Bad Guy I GOT SCAMMED!!! By Randy Gilkerson (lilroc338) of Gilroc Reptiles!!! BEWARE!! - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 08-12-2011, 05:47 PM   #1
Angry I GOT SCAMMED!!! By Randy Gilkerson (lilroc338) of Gilroc Reptiles!!! BEWARE!!

Hey all, was hoping I'd never have to write a bad review on someone in this forum but it has come to it. I am rather new to posting and not sure how to insert messages (PMs) and the majority of our conversation did occur thru texting (although I actually have Verizon working on locating an app for me to save the entire text conversation to my gmail for reposting )

I had posted a trade ad for a couple snakes, one being my 09 male bumble bee. Randy sent me a PM on the night of 8/7/11:

i got a female black pastel 489 grams i would trade for the can call or text for pics of her 740 407 7092

the next day (when I received his message) I texted him and he sent me a photo of the snake (it was obviously a black pastel the but photo was not a great photo, blury and a close-up of the side/belly) and he also said he had a lesser female but pics were on his facebook. so I went on his facebook to check out pics of the lesser, never found pics of the female black pastel. i read through his wall to sort of get a feel of who he was. saw that he had bid on some auctions on Frank Asci's wall, I was interested in contacting more people doing auctions so I friended Frank and while going through his photos I saw that Randy had bid and won a black pastel male.

So onward, we chatted on the phone, and through texting. Decided to ship out the same time on the same day which was Wednesday 8/10/11. The night before we shipped I texted him and asked him if he was POSITIVE the snake was a female, because over the last couple months I have had people send me snakes that were sexed incorrectly and I wanted to make sure I specifically asked that the snake be popped and probed before it was sent. he sent me a picture of his probing tools and said she was probed twice and popped and she was indeed female. great! so i sent him the tracking (from iHerp, feeding record) on my male bee as well as a couple photos of his tub set up (so he was aware of how he was used to being kept) and we shipped the snakes out at 6pm on wednesday.

Thursday morning I had to be in class and the Fedex tracking said my package had not arrived at the facility yet so I decided I would pick the snake up on my lunch break. So Randy received my package around 9am and texted me saying the bee was very cold when he arrived. I was not with the snake during shipment, so yes he may have been cold. But it has been in the HIGH 90s here in Florida (and according to others I have spoken with it was to my understand that it was in the 90s in Ohio as well) so there was NO WAY I was about to throw a heat pack in with the snake! The bee was in transit for a little more than 12 I told him to make sure to get him set up and heat ASAP. then he texts me and asks if he always hisses. and I told him that when I first got him he did hiss a few times. and then he said that he has a RI and he needs to go to the vet. I told him that he was 100% healthy when he left, that he may have just gotten cold in transit and to put him in a tub, crank the heat upto 95 with high humidity and let me know how he was later that afternoon. He then accused me of knowing the snake was sick and sending him a sick snake, and that he was on his way to the vet and it was going to cost him $200. I offered for him to ship the snake back (the snake was NOT SICK when he left my home!) He then wouldn't text me back.

So on my lunch break I went to Fedex to pick up the package. when I got out to my car I used my key to open the tape, I ALWAYS check the snake IMMEDIATELY so make sure they are alive upon arrival. I open the box, the snake was rather small...mind you this was supposed to be a 459 gram snake. The first thing I do is check for mites, and then pop the snake. And upon doing so, 2 hemipenes popped out. I think I almost passed out. KIDDING ME??? So I IMMEDIATELY call Randy (didn't even get in the car yet at this point becuase I was ready to send the box straight back to him) and he ignored my phone call. I called a couple times, left 2 messages and he wouldn't take my call. I then texted him and told him I just popped the snake and its a male. I didn't hear back so I had to go, on my way back to class he texted me back and said it was a female. I told him no, its a male. said I was lying. that he sent me a female. I told him to ship the bee back and I would immediately ship the male back. He asked if I was going to pay the vet bill and I said no, it was his choice to take the bee to the vet and he said then we're not shipping back. I didn't have a lot of time but I quickly drove to my friends pet store and asked one of his employees to take a picture of me popping the snake (was impossible for me to pop the snake and take a photo myself) so I texted the photo to Randy. I also weighed the snake while I was there, he was 254 grams (far cry from 459 He THEN accuses me of switching the snake! I sent him the pics and he said "what's that your other male black pastel???" OMG! I do have another black pastel male and he knows this (because thats one of the reasons I had wanted a female!) but the male I got is het albino and came from Mike Bell about a month ago. He told me I was full of shit. I told him to either send the bee back or send me the right snake and I would ship the male back---it occured to me that maybe he did send me the wrong snake...its not like I had received a 459 gram male---and maybe it was just incorrectly sexed, this was the WRONG SNAKE altogether. And it then dawned on me that he had bought that black male pastel from Frank Acsi! So I got on facebook (from this point forward I was in class on my phone on facebook) and SURE ENOUGH there was the picture on Frank's page of the black pastel MALE, the one I had been sent.

I told him I had proof and he told me to send his female back. I don't have his female, he sent me a MALE! So at this point I was boiling mad. He wouldn't return my texts except for calling me a liar and a scammer and that I have done this before (because I had told him I had been send snakes that were the wrong sex before, however ALL of those people gladly returned the snakes without question). I told him I was going to get my attorney invovled and he said go ahead, that he would win. I did call my attorney on my way home, and he did say if i could prove it that I would have no problem winning a case in court, however, because I am in Florida and this issue originated in Ohio, it would be a lot of money and time....over a snake. But then again this is the principle of the issue, he lied to me and scammed me.

So the minute I got him I fired up my laptop, went straight to Frank's facebook, and took this photo of the snake I was sent....EXACT MATCH.

So I immediately messaged Frank on facebook. He immediately CALLED ME on my cell phone and verified that YES this is the snake that Randy bought from him, and Randy still owes him a bunch of money!! I texted this photo to Randy, and he went on to tell me I am an asshole and a dumbass (repeatedly) and that he got one snake from Frank and that was not the snake. However Frank said that indeed was the black pastel male that he sold to Randy. THEN he tried to accuse ME of buying the snake from Frank, and switching it with this 'female' that he sent me. REALLY?? This guy is OUT OF HIS MIND!!

So after that I was done. I had all the proof I needed to know he intentionally sent me this 254 gram male black pastel, he probably never even had a female. And I highly doubt my bee is sick. Oh, and somewhere in the conversation before I got him I was so frustrated and did not want to be stuck with this black pastel so I told him to just ship the bee back and to send me the vet bill. He wouldn't send me the vet bill, so I highly doubt there even is one. I don't believe for a second that bee was sick at all.

I am LIVID about this and basically there's nothing I can do. He has my bee, I'm stuck with this male black pastel, and he got away with the scam. But I will NOT allow this to happen to anyone else. He is a total liar, he lied repeatedly to me, called me names, and accused me of lying and being scandelous.

I am trying hard to figure out a way to save the text conversation and post it. I may just retype the whole thing if you guys think that will be sufficient? I have a DroidX so if anyone knows how to save entire conversations please let me know. It was easy to do on my blackberry but I have not been successful in finding out how to do it on my Droid although I did call Verizon and one of their tech support guys are supposed to call me back.

If any of you have any questions please let me know. I have a long work weekend ahead of me so if I do not get back to you please don't think I am avoiding the thread, I just can't sit here 24/7 on my computer (and we are not permitted to be on the phone at work). I don't think I have ever been so upset in my life. Between the tears, the stress, the fact I paid NO attention in class yesterday, I should be sueing him for the cost of my class since its only a 7 day class and I will probably have to retake a portion of it.

let me know if typing my text conversation and posting it here would be helpful, if so I will be more than happy to find the time to do it. Also, Frank Asci is more than happy to verify that this is indeed the snake he sold (thru his auction) to Randy. I guess in all of this I just really hope Randy is smart enough and decent enough to take care of his animals...i care about my animals and although I am able to part with them to sell or trade I still always try to make sure they go to a good home. I hope my bee will be okay, I so wish he would have just shipped him back to me yesterday.

Thanks everyone for listening and please let me know how I can get all the text conversation onto this thread for everyone to read.
Old 08-12-2011, 06:00 PM   #2
Wow, what a shame. Seems like you certainly got scammed and as for him saying your snake was sick sounds like a cover story to me just to try and change the subject away from what he knew he did. Not sure what you can do but what you have done which is to post but sorry to see it happen to you. I would say at the very least he should send yours back and that fact that you want it back tells me it was NOT sick. He is just being a real a$$
Old 08-12-2011, 06:18 PM   #3
sry to hgear that. Thsi guy contacted me several months ago about getting some babies. Knew right off that he was a neewbie. He had no idea of recessive, co-dom or anything. He's located in Lancaster and post on CL all the time. If he goes to the Columbus show tomarrow, I'll make sure and call him out on it in front of the WHOLE show. Oh, BTW last week and the week before were BRUTAL with the heat. I shipped out 5 snakes and NONE had HP and all the buyers were very happy with their arrival.
Old 08-12-2011, 06:28 PM   #4
There really should be no way the bee was cold, I use cool packs for every shipment this time of year and the animals are arriving between 78-84 degrees. Sorry for your luck, sounds like somebody that everyone should avoid.
Old 08-12-2011, 06:50 PM   #5
I simply cannot tell you guys how unbelievably upset I was yesterday. I know I need to grow some thicker skin but I was in tears most of the day over this. I try hard to do the right thing and to be accused of lying and scamming I just couldn't handle it. I just retyped our entire text conversation. If anyone needs "proof" of any specific part of the conversation I can take a picture with my dad's phone of the text on my phone and post that it was indeed the actual conversation. Took me awhile...but here it is:

R = Randy
L = Me (Laura)

R: Yes she has, been poped!!
R: (photo of probes)
L: Excellent!
R: Let me know when you drop him off, an ill do the same
R: Im taking her there now...ok?
L: Yeah my dad is dropping right now at fedex
R: Ok cool
L: I feel bad shipping him to you in shed...he's a lot prettier when he's not shedding
R: Its cool
R: Ok shes at fedex, ill text you in the morning when I get him..
L: Ok great! :-)
R: 1074409453 this is ur tracking info...i gave you the wrong number my bad..
L: Oh ok no worries!
R: hows the head wobble, I forgot to ask you? (Aug 10, 7:00pm)

I called Randy when I received this text as I was driving and could not text him back. I told him that I had not noticed ANY wobble at all and if he does indeed have one it is so slight it is unnoticable. I also explained how I feed him f/t, I also had sent him photos of his tub and setup so he could see how he was kept.

August 11, 9:42am
R: I got he was super cold!!!!!
L: Aww poor baby!
August 11, 10:03am
R: Does this snake always open his mouth and hiss?
R: Or does he have RI???????????
L: He hissed at me when I first got him for a couple days but he's never been mean.
L: He was 100% fine when he left. It was 98 degrees here yesterday I wasn't going to put a heat pack in his box!
L: Let him warm up and settle in. He ate 2 nights age and he has been fine.
R: Ok
L: He has abosolutely never been a problem...he is one of the sweetest snakes I have and one of my best eaters
L: He might have just gotten cold. He was only in the box for a little more than 12 hours and its been hot here so he should have been fine.
R: Have your picked urs up yet
L: No I checked the tracking # at 8:30 and it wasn't there yet so I will go at lunch
R: It said it was there when I them
L: I did. They sadi their site doesn't update right away. THe guy put her in the back where its warmer
R: Cool deal
R: This snake def has ri I held it upside down and bubbles came out of its mouth plus it has gapped over 5 times in 30 mins
L: OMG you're kidding???
L: Crank his heat up to 95 in his tub and make sure its humid. I hope the female isn't that cold too, shit
R: I know how to treat it....i think you knew he had it. i'm taking him to a vet right now so he can get shots which will cost me 200.00
L: Randy he was fine yesterday
L: I give you my word, he ate 2 nights age and he was 100% fine
L: You even said he arrived very cold, put him in a tub with higher heat
L: If he's cold shots wont help
L: shots treat bacterial and he does not have a bacterial infection
R: But RI just don't show up overnight...ive seen it 100 times...hes got it
L: Yes they do if they get cold!!
L: I swear on my LIFE he was FINE yesterday.
R: Shots treat RI also look it up online
L: They can absolutely get an RI if they get cold. Not my fault if he got cold in transit but he was fine
L: Only if they are bacterical...I have worked for a vet for 9 years.
R: Im just got to the vet i'll let you know
L: Ok if thats what you want to do. I give you my word he was 100% healthy when he left. If he got cold in transt then I'm sorry but my word is all I can give you. August 11, 11:05am

August 11, 12:23pm
L: You need to call me ASAP. HE'S A BOY!
R: I'm at vets office
R: That was a female
L: No it's not!
R: BS it was probe by me an some one else....
L: Well I dunno what to tell you its got hemipenes!
L: Popped him before I even left the parking lot
L: You need to call me.
L: He's a boy and you claim the bee is sick so lets just trade back
L: I can ship him back this afternoon. actually i can just leave him here at Fedex
R: You going to pay vet bill???
L: Nope
L: It was your choice to take him to the vet instead of sending him back and he was fine when he left my house
L: If you sent me the wrong snake then send the female and I will ship back the male
R: Then we are not trading back then
L: But I am not trading a $550 bumble bee for a male black pastel!
L: Then you can either ship me a female black pastel or else pay me $550 for the bee and I will send you the male black pastel back
R: I ship you a female...i gotta go the vet is gonna show me how to give it shots
R: How do I know you didn't switch the snakes?????? Gotta go
L: Because I haven't even left Fedex yet!!!!!
L: You are unreal!! (August 11, 12:43pm)

August 11, 12:53pm
L: (Photo of Hemipenes) Wow look at those hemipenes.....
R: Whats that your other male black pastel???
L: Haha nope it's yours and he matches the pics on your facebook
L: He's 254 grams you told me your female was 459
R: Your full of shit
L: Really?
L: Dude he's on your facebook!
L: Why aren't you answering your phone?
L: You sent me the wrong snake. You sent me a 254 gram male...not a 459 gram female. So send me the right snake and I will send him back.
L: Plus he's not the same snake as the pics you texted me
R: Your not even my friend on facebook
R: Yes he was the same pic (And yes he typed "HE was the same pic" which is another reason I think he knew it was a male!)
L: Yes I am (I actually am, not on my personal page, but I am friends with him on facebook as Tikigator Exotics)
R: No your not just checked another lauras
R: No lauras on my facebook
R: Nothing to say???
L: I have a lot to say and left you a couple messages. when you man up and want to talk to me like a profesional call me tonight.
L: And yes I am on your facebook. And I know you bought the male black pastel auctioned.
L: Send me the female tonight so we can get this overwith. I want the snake you originally offered me that's all I'm asking for.
R: I sent you a female
L: No you didn't and he is only 245 grams
L: Look if you are really going to scam me fine I will get my attorney involved, no problem
L: But you sent me the exact male that I saved a pic on Franks facebook
L: If you really want to ruin your reputation over this thats your choice. I am honest and I do not lie.
L: You are lying and trying to scam me. Which is why I tried to call you immediately before I even left Fedex
L: Its ok Randy I have all the proof I need. I suggest you send me the female tomorrow so we can move passed this.
R: Are you crazy? Im not sending any more snakes to you ever again
L: Really? You are going to ruin your reputation over this?
L: Because I will let everyone know you scammed me and I do have proof that you are lying
L: And I won't hesitate to call you out on it if you want to make this right. You know what you sent me. And it was not a 459 gram female.
R: It was to...good bye
L: Randy I have the photo from Frank of the snake you bought on his auction
L: Its the same snake. I have the photo and it is undisputably the same male snake.
L: And I verified this through Frank!
L: So this proves you are a scammer
R: Well i sent you a female an now that you switch the snakes you want to trade back I don't think so...I did get a black pastel male from frank...i got a small one i kept. nice try, i'm done textin you
L: Its ok I will post pics of him tonight and it is magically the same snake you got from rank
L: *Frank
L: Same markings
L: We are not done you scammed me and you need to fix this
L: Why are you doing this? I mean I really didn't think you were one to scam you actually seemed nice.
L: You've had me in tears and I don't understand why you are now ignoring me.
L: Please don't ignor me. Please just send me the female. this isn't fair and i don't deserve this.
L: And I doubt you even went to the vet. you already have antibiotics and you claim you are well experienced with handling RIs (according to your facebook that you posted the pic of the vial)
L: So i doubt my bee is even sick. I have contacted my attorney and I will send you his information tonight so if you have any questions you can contact him. He said this is no doubt fraud.
R: We I got the vet bill I took pics of me packing the female up before I took it to switch the snakes an trying to get over on me...any good lawyer will tell you we both dont have a case...bc I would so love to get you to pay the vet im gonna let all my friends know how you swith snakes an how you are trying to play me....all let me guess you did this same thing to these other guys...that sent you a male instead of females!!
R: right save my VM I can show in court that you've done this before
L: I've never done this before!
L: Randy why are you doing this? You should have sent the bee back to me then
L: I would like to see the pics of you packing her up too
L: Why would you even take pics unless you were planning to scam me? This is the same male (identical) that you got from Frank. i have photos to prove it.
L: I would have gladly taken the bee back.
L: Send him back tonight
L: And send the bill with him
L: But if you choose to keep him fine but need to take back your male and either pay me for the bee or send me the female
L: Please
L: I don't deserve this.
R: We always tkae pics before we ship, why for this reason
L: Ok then send them to me
L: Because you sent me Frank's male!
L: And just because you took a photo doesn't mean YOU didn't switch the snake before you taped up the box. I'm not an idiot.
R: And im not no switch snakes...CASE CLOSE
L: NO I DIDN'T!!!!
L: I swear on my LIFE!! YOU SENT ME YOUR MALE!!
L: Fine go take a picture right now if the male you got from Frank and text it to me
R: Yes you try to play me...NICE try
L: You claim you still have him so it shouldn't be an issue to go take a picture of him
L: No I didn't I haven't even been home!
L: Then you tell me how I ended up with Frank's black p-astel male that you bought tell me that
L: Explain that. And I want my bee back.
R: it seams funny you said this happen 4 times before
L: I will pay the vet bill send him back
L: It has happened before! You can email the people!
L: And they ALL gladly took the snakes back!
L: Want to contact them??
L: Send me the bill and the snake and I will cal the vet and pay the bill
L: I want him back and you can have your male (that is the same snake you got from Frank) back as well
R: I'll take my female back
L: It's a male
L: Its Fanks male.....exactly
L: And i will gladly ship him back to you
R: But im not taking that black pastel that your trying to say i sent getting back to work turning my phone off so text if you want
L: Ok fine I will sue you
L: Its fraud
L: And now it's intentional fraud
R: Ok do it....ill win...
L: I have proof!
L: You have no proof you sent me a female. I have proof the snake that I have you got from Frank.
L: I have the picture, pictures don't lie.
L: (sent him photo)
L: Funny the snake you sent me has the EXACT same markings
L: There is no question it is the same snake
L: If you want to legally fight this I will be happy to
L: Proof always wins.
R: Send me the pic you say you got...i got to see this
L: I did
L: I tried to give you the chance to right this. You won't win this, proof is proof. I'm not lying about anything.
R: You better check Franks wall ass hole the one I won was 125 grams an dont look like the one you sent me go check
R: You can say sorry anytime now
L: I have proof Randy whatever you want to ruin your reputation fine
L: I have done nothing wrong
L: (photo of the snake and frank's facebook pic) You are REALLY gonna sit here and tell me you didn't send me the snake you got from Frank....REALLY?? My attorney loved this.
L: You have until 7pm to get my snake to Fedex and sed him back or else send me a female. Those are your choice if you want to be done with this.
R: Have your lawyer send me a letter...thats not the snake I ship to could have bought your male from Frank...the pastel I got from Frank is 125 grams....
R: Look on Franks page an I still have the snake I got from im done with this an all your text scams
L: you really want me to publicize this?? REALLY??
R: You better ask Frank I only got one from I won him DUMB ASS
L: You are a liar and a scammer and I have proof
L: That's it I'm done. Keep the bee and I will go ahead and publicize who you really are
R: Your full of shit I wont one of them...not all 3 read the post DUMB ASS winner gets one of 3
R: Your gonna do what?
L: I just got off the phone with Frank. Everything is pretty clear. You lied to me, scammed me, accused me of lying, and I'm done dealing with you.
R: He told you that I only got one snake from him didnt he
L: Nope
L: Like I said things are crystal clear. Have a nice life scamming people.
R: Then you didn't talk to him...bc I only got 1 snake 125 grams from him
R: Whatever

Old 08-12-2011, 07:07 PM   #6
I can tell you without a doubt he (Randy) does NOT know a RI at first glance. There was a post by him on KS ball forums about his snake having white poo !!!! I would also NEVER buy a snake that someone who just starting in this hobby PROBED !!!
Old 08-12-2011, 07:11 PM   #7
Makes me wonder if this snake:

Is the black pastel male that I was just sent. Would be interested to see a photo of this "black pastel het ghost male" I bet nothing he has is het for anything.
Old 08-12-2011, 07:19 PM   #8
R: Yes she has, been poped!!
R: (photo of probes)

what is THIS? THe guy can't even spell. lol (I know alot of people can't but this just got me!)

Well, there's nothing he can do to argue his way out of this!
Old 08-12-2011, 07:22 PM   #9
Originally Posted by reptilebaby View Post
R: Yes she has, been poped!!
R: (photo of probes)

what is THIS? THe guy can't even spell. lol (I know alot of people can't but this just got me!)

Well, there's nothing he can do to argue his way out of this!
LOL I tried to retype everything exactly as it was on my phone (typos and everything!) And I actually just got an infraction for foul language (sorry everyone, just was quoting EXACTLY what was said )
Old 08-12-2011, 07:23 PM   #10
If someone's just starting out they should have someone more knowledgeable probe snakes for them.

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gilroc reptiles, lilroc338, r and j reptiles, randy gilkerson

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