Getting old(er)...and not so gracefully - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 02-29-2004, 10:54 PM   #1
Unhappy Getting old(er)...and not so gracefully

The best laid plans...

In the same motivated, committed spirit in which I decided to get
married.......have children.....volunteer as a Girl Scout Troop
leader........all those noble choices that at one time or another had me crying in my beer, I made a management decision this weekend. We were buying mountain bikes!

Yes!!! Mountain bikes to cruise the National Forests which border us on all sides! Mountain bikes to get back into good cardiovascular condition! Mountain bikes to help us exercise the dogs! Mountain bikes to take on vacation this summer! Mountain bikes (and stylish Mountain Bike Gear) to slough off the increasingly obvious 40 plus image!!!!

Just a few observations:

1. While we all know that this beautiful "Ozark Mountain" country is not really mountainous, there are some wicked hills that one just doesn't appreciate when traveling by car.

2. Using the brakes on a bicycle should be on the screening test for people wondering if they have arthritis in their hands. (Unfortunately, I already *knew* about the arthritis in my hands...and knees...and, well nevermind.)

3. You can live in a place for a LONG time, but when you're going down hill on a familiar gravel road, you can still end up missing a curve and finding a drainage ditch.

4. Bicycle seats and wide backsides are not a match made in heaven.

5. Dogs that would never think of chasing cars will still find it
incredibly entertaining to dash in front of a bicycle.

6. Never, ever, EVER use the front brake without the rear brake, even if a dog runs in front of your bicycle.

I'm still committed to accomplishing what I set out to do, but just like those previous commitments that had me crying in my beer, I'm realizing that it may be a *tad* more difficult than I had originally anticipated. As I was massaging Theragesic into most of my body this afternoon, I was fantasizing about finding a way to justify being over 40 and "soft", throwing away the bathroom scale, and finding a forte that would almost require being portly to be successful. However, I could only come up with opera singer, and that's just not an option for me.


Pray for me, people. It's going to be a long Spring.
Old 02-29-2004, 11:34 PM   #2
Oh goodness!! I'm 30-something and wouldn't dare try what you did!!

I hadn't ridden a bicycle since I was in high school, tried it about 6 years ago and ate pavement right outside my driveway...speed bump... water...thud! THEN, my ex-husband sayd, "Oh by the way, the bicycle is off balance." I wish he had told me BEFORE I tried it! LOL!

Then, about a year ago, I decided to give it another try. (Silly me...I guess I never learn.) My daughter is getting big so I got her a full sized bike. While trying not to think about my driveway spill, I got on and proceeded to ride around the back yard. I made one complete circle, pleased with myself for not falling over despite the innumerable dog holes all over the yard.

However, once I completed that circle, my rear end hurt so bad! And, it kept hurting until the end of the next day! What happened to the "real" seats they used to make?? Why do they give us ice skates now??

So...mountain bikes huh?? WOW!!!! LOL!!

PS. Thanks for starting this thread...I really needed a good laugh.
Old 03-01-2004, 12:32 AM   #3
However, once I completed that circle, my rear end hurt so bad! And, it kept hurting until the end of the next day!
No doubt! Right now my butt is so sore, I'll need to be *buried* face down!
Thanks for starting this thread...I really needed a good laugh.
Glad others can benefit from my agony....LOL...
Old 03-01-2004, 01:03 PM   #4
getting old..

I had to face the age issue last summer when shopping for a bike. We are both 36.

I love riding my bike with my dog.

We tour happily and carefully. Last summer I made the decision to go from my sexy, bad, take no prisoners Mongoose to a sedate, fat Mom beachcomber hybrid with fatter wheels and less hardware.
Yes, it is a mini van of a bike.
The dogs love it and so do I but I have to admit it looks pretty frumpy next to Joels rugged, expensive mountain bike.

However, the moment of truth came when Joel made his first attempt at riding with his 100 pound Golden Retriever. The young, unsteady dog pulled sideways and Joel's feet were the fancy little foot cage thingies on the pedals and Joel went right down in the dirt (the dog was uninjured. I bought them a special rig that leases the dog behind the bike -I saw this coming!!!).

So know he admits he has to buy for regular pedals and perhaps needs to adjust his riding style to accomidate his slower healing time! LOL

I have now lost all sense of vanity. I have a GREAT BIG sheepskin seat cover and am shopping for a basket to carry library books!
I prefer to think of it was being hedonistic.
NOT DORKY!!!!!!!!!
Old 03-01-2004, 02:13 PM   #5
Darin Chappell
Don't worry ladies. You're not too bad off until you're considering getting one of those pull-behind trailers to carry your pain relievers, first aid kit, extra water bottles, and Little Debbie snacks!!!

I ride those Ozark Mountains too, you see. Oh, and Terese, it's not that the hills are so high around's just that the valleys are SOOoooooo LOOOOoooowwwww!
Old 03-01-2004, 07:37 PM   #6
Thanks for the confidence boost, Darin!

...Now where did I put my Ben Gay?
Old 03-01-2004, 08:33 PM   #7
I blame all my tumbles on my dogs!

Of course it just isn't true. I bought a new bike in the winter and have only ridden it a couple dozen times. (I was supposed to do it daily) I have noticied noticied I too must be getter older (and fatter). What oncewas my joy in the evenings has turned into a painful event.

I am glad to hear I'm not alone. Have you ever seen or heard of a Springer? Not the dog but an attachment you can by for $45 bucks online at certain pet supply places...mostly working dog outfitters. It attaches to your frame and reduces the jarring effect you dog can have when it thinks the other direction is better. It also keeps you in control and has break away attachments to let you or your dog escape if you don't navigate poles and trees with the same ideas.

It's a life saver for those of us that don't have mountains and free space to have all to ourselves. It also keeps us both a little more tuned together.

Old 03-04-2004, 03:54 PM   #8
And Therese,very important..don't get going downhill so fast,that you're unable to stop suddenly,for ..say..a small furry woodland animal(i.e. a skunk) that suddenly darts onto the trail.Been fun at all.

And as for taking up a new,healthy hobby as we grow older..I'm now into the Paintball thing...kind of embarrassing to get taken out of a match by a 12 year old that is so small the you can't see him behind a pallet.

Good luck with the bikes..let me know and I'll show you guys some GOOD places to ride..
Old 03-05-2004, 10:26 PM   #9
Ahhhh!!!! The bikes are evil now. What ever happened to the bikes with the wider seats and brakes that you back peddled to use?
When my son was smaller I decided to get a bike and ride with him. I envisioned loading up the bikes and going on trips to ride different places. I figured I would take the neighborhood kids with us also.
Well.... did I get a wake up call!!! Not only couldn't I find a bike without a bunch of gears and hand brakes that launch you over the front of the bike if you use them...... they all had these little skinny seats.
The first thing I did was have a "Wide load" sign made up to hang on my similie of a bike seat. I secretly rode some without the kids, I didn't want them to see me in agony. That and I was afraid I would have a heart attack and scare them to death.
I was finally ready for the road and the kids. I taught them all the usual hand signals, how to watch for traffic and the most important rule of all. Never, ever, ride too close to Miss Candy or you might get squished.
Thank heavens we had no casualties. It was so hard to put on a happy face when all I wanted to do was cry and rub my butt!!
When my son lost interest in bike riding, it was one of the happiest times in my life.
I'll just tangle with the push mower for my exercise, no more bikes for me! I want to live to see older age.
Old 03-06-2004, 02:12 AM   #10
I've always wanted to try paintball shooting. That sounds like so much fun!! LOL!!

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