Fave Food II: the Consequences..... - FaunaClassifieds
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The Welcome Room & New Member Intros How about a place for new members to come on in, make an introduction, and meet the regulars? Talk about yourself or anything else that comes to mind, just to break the ice. Or just pull up a chair and make yourself at home for a spell.

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Old 01-21-2005, 12:18 PM   #1
Fave Food II: the Consequences.....

Diets suck big time.

In an earlier thread, Fave Foods, we all extolled the virtues of pizza, ice cream, etc. One of my New Year's resolutions was to lose a bit of weight, due to the fact that I have been offered a chance to do a huge professional nursing presentation later this year. I don't do fad diets, I exercise, cut down a bit on calories, and try to eat better quality and more nutritious foods.

O, the misery of it all........
Old 01-21-2005, 06:22 PM   #2
But Lucille, that is the only "diet" that works in the long run! But, if all else fails there is always the "Army deployment diet" where you are forced to eat MREs for each and every meal for 2 1/2 months straight, at the end of which you will not even eat one whole MRE in the course of a day and will have trouble eating a single whole jr hamburger from Wendy's for at least a month or more. I lost 40 pounds in Iraq, and most of that in the first month to 6 weeks LOL And it took about a year and a back injury to put 30 of those pounds back on.
Old 01-21-2005, 07:53 PM   #3
I'll trade you my turkey ala king for your chipped beef...memories...ahh, those memories. My wife asks me why I eat chipped beef on toast once a year...just to remember how godawful it was/is.

Diets are tough...luckily, I was born with the metabolism of a shrew or something, so I don't have to too much...but I do love celery!

Old 01-21-2005, 10:12 PM   #4
Greg, it's been a while since you've ate MREs LOL Those items are long gone...replaced by things like Jamalaya and Jamaican pork chop that you can't pay someone to eat!
Old 01-21-2005, 10:46 PM   #5
While I honor and respect our military men and women, that IS more than I want to do to shed a few pounds. When I look for matching handbags and shooz, I do NOT anticipate an olive green knapsack and boots, lol. I can just see me in basic training, it would be too funny.
Old 02-05-2005, 11:42 AM   #6
I finally gave up on diets and decided to accept myself as being a fat person. It's easier that way.

Every year, maybe even three or four times a year, I try to cut some other source of calories. Someday I might even try to ADD some exercise.

I do feel proud of myself, however.... I used to say in the last three or four months of any year "maybe I'll do X thing for a new year's resolution". ... Well this last year it was sometime in early October and I said "Maybe I'll start drinking diet sodas for New Year's"..... and it wasn't more than a day later before I said to myself, "Why wait?".... I then didn't stop drinking fully-loaded sodas until after I recuperated from some scheduled surgery, but once I was over the surgery, I stopped drinking sugared sodas! I felt very proud of myself that my "wait till new years for resolutions" attitude has shifted... now when I think of something new to do to at least decrease caloric intake.... I make it "next week" or "tomorrow" instead of next year, and it frequently works for me!

Of course I must admit.... when I had serious surgery on the 24th of January, I did get myself two cases of sugared soda, ice cream, chocolate cake AND cookies... all to help the healing. Didn't gain any weight, but it sure helped to have those comfort foods whilst I was doing my best to heal from the surgery combined with a nasty mouse bite.

In any case, someday I might lose the weight, but until then I accept that I'm fat and am glad not to be GAINING weight.
Old 02-05-2005, 01:34 PM   #7
My grandpa is the master of common sense. He has a million simple, funny sayings yet they all are so true.

"The biggest problem with common sense, is that it's not that common". That is one I have been hearing from him since I was old enough to understand the spoken word.

Here is his take on weight. "If you want to gain weight....eat. If you want to lose weight....don't eat. And getting off your dead ass once in a while won't hurt things either." So simple and so true.

My grandpa is 83 years old now and still works a full day....everyday.... on his farm. He has sold off a lot of it over the years but still owns a couple hundred acres. I take the hour and 45 minute drive out to see him every month. I get smarter after every visit.
Old 02-23-2005, 06:14 AM   #8

Your Grandpa sounds like a great guy, and has a lot of insight, not to mention common sense.
I am however feeling quite sorry for myself as this diet thing is not working as fast as I want.
Old 02-23-2005, 11:42 AM   #9
Patience and dedication, Lucille. And I know you have lots of both.

I am not one to talk though. I am not the slim 160 pounds I was 10 years ago, lol. I could stand to drop a few pounds myself. Always easier said than done.

It is really about habits. We are creatures of habit. Once you establish a habit, good or bad, it is hard to break that habit. The key though is to have the patience to get the good habit/s established that are needed to allow you to accomplish your goal. Whatever that goal may be. Once you do though, that goal gets much easier to accomplish.
Old 02-23-2005, 11:53 AM   #10
Yeah you are right. I think one key is exercise. Last semester I was in school 10 hours a day 7 days a week, this semester I have made some changes because I had to go back to work part time; so I have time now to bicycle and do other exercise, which I enjoy.
But modern people are used to instant gratification, I want my goals achieved a lot faster than I know I can achieve them, lol.....
OK, thank you for letting me grouse about it.....

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