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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 08-27-2002, 08:39 PM   #1
Matthew Butler
Well Dan, lets start with the facts! &nbsp;First off you shipped well over 3000 dollars in snakes thru airborn WITHOUT notifying Jeremy of the shipment. &nbsp;Man, that was smart!!! &nbsp;Mistake #2, you sent a 6ft boa, in the same box as a snake that was a little over 13 inches. &nbsp;Yet another brilliant idea! &nbsp;Oh, and your excuse was a good one! &nbsp;"Oh, i was gonna leave a message". &nbsp;Thats pretty bright too Dan, &nbsp;what happens if they dont get the message? &nbsp;You go ahead and ship over 3000 dollars in animals anyway? &nbsp;About the phone call, just who exactly are your buddies in Kalamazoo? and why would you send them to Jeremy's house?<img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'> &nbsp;Threats??? &nbsp;Thats yet another reason to stay away from this guy. &nbsp;By the way Dan, the albino boa you sent is dripping fluid from its mouth, and was doing so during the whole time i viewed it this evening. &nbsp;Luckily enough for me, i have a great vet. &nbsp;He is the herpetologist for the detroit zoo. &nbsp;Oh, and you said to send the snake back??? &nbsp;Ya right! &nbsp;I already told Jeremy not to do that. &nbsp;With your wonderful business ethics, i dont think youd ever give him his money back. &nbsp;

Thanks, Matt.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:33 PM   #2
Matthew Butler
Another little note i would like to add to this thread. &nbsp;Jeremy paid 200 dollars for shipping, which was supposed to be airport to airport! &nbsp;I dont know about anyone else, but when we spend 3800 dollars on animals, we dont want them sitting on our porch while we are at work. &nbsp;Dan, could you please explain that? &nbsp;200 for shipping, and then you send it thru airborne express??? &nbsp;Give me a break! &nbsp;Do you know that those snakes were sitting on Jeremy's porch since 8:54 am til around 6:30 pm??? &nbsp;IN THE SUN! &nbsp;Was the package even insured?? &nbsp;Oh, thats right, it was shipped illegally, and insurance wouldnt cover a dead snake anyway. &nbsp;Seeing as how they dont ship snakes!

Old 08-27-2002, 11:47 PM   #3
Casey Hulse
You should post the details of your transation. Seems like you left out some important info.
Old 08-28-2002, 12:17 AM   #4
Matthew Butler
Be more specific Casey. &nbsp;I posted what happened. &nbsp;Jeremy purchased an adult albino female, and a DH snow yearling (3800 dollars). &nbsp;Then Jeremy gave him an extra 200 for shipping, that was supposed to be Delta dash! &nbsp;Airport to airport. &nbsp;Dan was supposed to call and work out the details of shipping with Jeremy. &nbsp;He never did this. &nbsp;We found the package on the doorstep at roughly 6:30 in the evening. &nbsp;After checking the tracking # we found that the package was dropped off before 9 am this morning. &nbsp;It sat there all day! &nbsp;3800 dollars! worth of animals. &nbsp;The animals were also shipped together. &nbsp;That large boa could have easily crushed or damaged the young boa. &nbsp;Dan was contacted about this, and he had a horrible attitude. &nbsp;He even said he was sending some of his buddies from kalamazoo over to Jeremy's house. &nbsp;Very unprofessional. &nbsp;The adult albino boa is dripping fluid from her mouth. &nbsp;He wont answer the phone anymore. &nbsp;Dan, what happened to the 200 dollars paid for the delta shipping? &nbsp;Why werent we contacted about shipping details? &nbsp;Also, when we questioned him about this, he said "well i was gonna leave a message but i was busy". &nbsp;Thats pretty intelligent Dan. &nbsp;Dan, get out of the business, in fact, you need to work for someone else. &nbsp;Nothing but another rip off artist. Anyone that has ANY questions about this, feel free to e-mail me.

Old 08-28-2002, 12:24 AM   #5
Matthew Butler
Dan, if you are reading this. &nbsp;E-mail me, and maybe you can make this right. &nbsp;Otherwise, i guess you are just another scammer. &nbsp;You know what you did was wrong! &nbsp;I'll check my mail in the AM.

Old 08-28-2002, 06:30 AM   #6
Arboreals of the Rainforest
Dagggggggggggggg, $200 bucks for a $65 trip via Delta Dash. spam_That should have been your first clue he was a scammer. spam_That must be one hell of a box he packed it in for that much more of a box charge.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Mistake #2, you sent a 6ft boa, in the same box as a snake that was a little over 13 inches. spam_Yet another brilliant idea!</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
All together now, can we all say STUPID and IRRESPONSIBLE.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the albino boa you sent is dripping fluid from its mouth</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
OK class lets do it again, repeat after me, STUPID and IRRESPONSIBLE.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Oh, i was gonna leave a message".</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>
This is a major reason that most of the posts are on this board. spam_When will folks ever learn. spam_A simple 2 minute phone call and email, smoke signals, Morse code, even something in brail would be nice.

Thanks for the heads up on this guy. spam_I would almost be willing to bet your lucky the animal is still alive, because it sounds like your NOT getting your money back or even some sort of restitution for him selling you an obviously sick snake. spam_But I would seriously question him hard about that shipping fee. spam_

Look at the airbill that was on the box, they always write on it how much shipping actually costs. spam_Tell us what it says.
Old 08-28-2002, 06:33 AM   #7
Arboreals of the Rainforest
Sorry wasnt done yet.

If he shipped Airborn, the airbill will show the costs in box #3 just under the long airbill number.
Old 08-28-2002, 07:35 AM   #8
Greg Riso
Well Matt, I've had a similar bad experience a week ago today. I bought one of the two DH snow females Dan posted at Kingsnake and upon delivery I was stunned to open up the box to see the snake blown up with gas appearing way out of proportion. She looked like someone had pumped her up like a balloon so I took pictures and notified Dan of this. I also stated to him that from past experience this animal was sure to regurge if she had been fed recently so I asked him when she was last fed. He replied the swelling was because he had just fed her three days prior to shipping and that she eats four or five mice at a time! So her appearance was simply because she was full. Needless to say the next day she regurged four mice and I notified him of this. Later on she regurged a fifth mouse and had diarhea. It has been one week and I don't dare feed this animal again until her stomach bacteria have a chance to rejuvenate and when I do feed her it will be just one mouse to start off with. An experienced herper would NEVER dream of shipping a snake with a full stomach. The animal appears fine now but I won't really know how healthy she is until I feed her one week from now and she holds down the meal. If she regurges then I can guarantee she's going to be making a return trip to Florida real soon.
Old 08-28-2002, 08:29 AM   #9
Casey Hulse
Sorry Matt. I thought if you re-read your first post you would see what I meant. I got it now. Thanx. Is he selling all of his herps? If so, he may not care about his rep.
Old 08-28-2002, 10:31 AM   #10
Matthew Butler
Well, he still hasnt e-mailed me back, and wont answer his phones. &nbsp;I've seen many sick snakes in my day, and this albino boa is obviously sick. &nbsp;Im sickened that people actually acquire such nice animals, and care soo little for them. &nbsp;As long as nobody buys from him again, i'll be happy. &nbsp;Thanks for the support. &nbsp;


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