Owl looking for handouts - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 04-09-2006, 11:25 AM   #1
Owl looking for handouts

The other night, oh around midnight I guess, I was in working with the animals and my wife came in to tell me that "the owl" was back. Last week, she said this owl was hanging around the reptile and mouse buildings while one of our workers and her were over in the mouse building euthanizing some mice for the freezer. Well the owl seemed unafraid, so Jimmie (the worker) threw a fuzzy mouse out in the path to see what the owl would do. Well they said it just swooped on down and grabbed the fuzzy and flew off. But came back for two more of them, so I guess he figured he had discovered a good thing.

Now I've seen something fly off now and again when I would walk between the buildings late at night, but never really got more then a glimpse of it except one time several months ago, when I was in a hurry and got to the space between the two buildings and the security light came on automatically. Well I found myself about an arm's length away from a small owl sitting on the handcart out there just staring at me, and I staring back at him. We stood there for a few moments, seemingly neither knowing quite what to do about the other. I had to really fight the urge to try to pet it on the head, he looked so cute. But he finally flew off.

But anyway, back to the other night, Friday night I guess it was. Connie tells me the owl is back, so I go out to take a look. Sure enough, he is sitting on a branch in one of the trees off of the side of the reptile building. I grabbed some pinky mice we had in the building and tossed a few out there, but didn't get any response. So I went back in and got some fuzzies. Now the whole time we are walking very close to this owl, who seemed pretty much unconcerned about our presence. Just watched us intently, but didn't seem inclined to fly off. And it was at best maybe 10 ft away as we walked past it.

So now I threw out a white fuzzy mouse, and that caught the owl's attention. He swooped down and grabbed it, but sat there for an instant looking back at us like saying "Is this OK?" Then flew off with his prize. That night he came back for two more fuzzies. Later, the wife had gone over to the house for the night and I finished up my chores before going over myself. When I walked out of the building for the night (around 2am I think) the owl was back. I was out of fuzzies, but had a few adult mice, so I killed one and threw that out there for him. He grabbed that up to, but had a little tougher time flying off with that one.

Didn't see him last night, so I guess his belly is full for a while.

The owl is pretty small compared to other owls I have seen. I'm not really a bird person, so I haven't a clue what species it is. Maybe 9 or 10 inches from top of the head to the tip of the tail, kind of grayish in color. The only notable feature is that the tail is banded horizontally with darker bands. I'd be tempted to get a picture of it, but I'm afraid the flash would scare the bejeezus out of it and it wouldn't come back. And honestly, it's rather neat having an owl coming around like this.
Old 04-09-2006, 11:59 AM   #2
We've had little "barn owls" that hang out around here on occasion, they are quite small and very light gray colored. They too seem quite unafraid of us humans. I find them fascinating, but when what lures them here is my baby poultry, we do our best to scare them off.

My daughter would get all freaked out about how they could turn their whole head almost completely around to watch her walk by without moving their body, lol.
Old 04-09-2006, 12:10 PM   #3
What a great pet!!! Are you going to name it?
Old 04-10-2006, 02:42 AM   #4
what an awesome experience to have with a wild animal rich....i never see owls here in the city...thats it.......im movin in...haha
Old 04-11-2006, 03:09 AM   #5
Well the wife and I looked through a Florida Birds book we have laying around here and are pretty sure it's a Screech Owl. Sure looks like it. Haven't seen him (I have NO idea if it is a him or her!) around the last couple of nights, however. Guess he got enough to eat the last time around........ This is supposed to be the nesting season for them around here, so maybe he's "busy".......

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