• Posted 12/19/2024.

    I am still waiting on my developer to finish up on the Classifieds Control Panel so I can use it to encourage members into becoming paying members. Google Adsense has become a real burden on the viewing of this site, but honestly it is the ONLY source of income now that keeps it afloat. I tried offering disabling the ads being viewed by paying members, but apparently that is not enough incentive. Quite frankly, Google Adsense has dropped down to where it barely brings in enough daily to match even a single paid member per day. But it still gets the bills paid. But at what cost?

    So even without the classifieds control panel being complete, I believe I am going to have to disable those Google ads completely and likely disable some options here that have been free since going to the new platform. Like classified ad bumping, member name changes, and anything else I can use to encourage this site to be supported by the members instead of the Google Adsense ads.

    But there is risk involved. I will not pay out of pocket for very long during this last ditch experimental effort. If I find that the membership does not want to support this site with memberships, then I cannot support your being able to post your classified ads here for free. No, I am not intending to start charging for your posting ads here. I will just shut the site down and that will be it. I will be done with FaunaClassifieds. I certainly don't need this, and can live the rest of my life just fine without it. If I see that no one else really wants it to survive neither, then so be it. It goes away and you all can just go elsewhere to advertise your animals and merchandise.

    Not sure when this will take place, and I don't intend to give any further warning concerning the disabling of the Google Adsense. Just as there probably won't be any warning if I decide to close down this site. You will just come here and there will be some sort of message that the site is gone, and you have a nice day.

    I have been trying to make a go of this site for a very long time. And quite frankly, I am just tired of trying. I had hoped that enough people would be willing to help me help you all have a free outlet to offer your stuff for sale. But every year I see less and less people coming to this site, much less supporting it financially. That is fine. I tried. I retired the SerpenCo business about 14 years ago, so retiring out of this business completely is not that big if a step for me, nor will it be especially painful to do. When I was in Thailand, I did not check in here for three weeks. I didn't miss it even a little bit. So if you all want it to remain, it will be in your hands. I really don't care either way.

    Some people have indicated that finding the method to contribute is rather difficult. And I have to admit, that it is not all that obvious. So to help, here is a thread to help as a quide. How to become a contributing member of FaunaClassifieds.

    And for the record, I will be shutting down the Google Adsense ads on January 1, 2025.
  • Responding to email notices you receive.
    In short, DON'T! Email notices are to ONLY alert you of a reply to your private message or your ad on this site. Replying to the email just wastes your time as it goes NOWHERE, and probably pisses off the person you thought you replied to when they think you just ignored them. So instead of complaining to me about your messages not being replied to from this site via email, please READ that email notice that plainly states what you need to do in order to reply to who you are trying to converse with.

BB codes

  • [B], [I], [U], [S] - Bold, italics, underline, and strike-through

    Makes the wrapped text bold, italic, underlined, or struck-through.
    This is [B]bold[/B] text.
    This is [I]italic[/I] text.
    This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
    This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
    This is bold text.
    This is italic text.
    This is underlined text.
    This is struck-through text.
  • [COLOR=color], [FONT=name], [SIZE=size] - Text Color, Font, and Size

    Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text.
    This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
    This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
    This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
    This is red and blue text.
    This is Courier New text.
    This is small and big text.
  • [URL], [EMAIL] - Linking

    Creates a link using the wrapped text as the target.
    [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL]
  • [URL=link], [EMAIL=address] - Linking (Advanced)

    Links the wrapped text to the specified web page or email address.
    [URL=https://www.example.com]Go to example.com[/URL]
    [[email protected]]Email me[/EMAIL]
  • [USER=ID] - Profile Linking

    Links to a user's profile. This is generally inserted automatically when mentioning a user.
  • [IMG] - Image

    Display an image, using the wrapped text as the URL.
  • [MEDIA=site] - Embedded Media

    Embeds media from approved sites into your message. It is recommended that you use the media button in the editor tool bar.
    Approved sites: ABC News, Acast, Anchor, Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, Audioboom, Audiomack, Audius, Bandcamp, BBC News, BitChute, Brightcove, Bunny Stream, Captivate, Castos, CBS News Video, Clyp, CNBC, CNN, CNNMoney, CodePen, Comedy Central, Coub, Dailymotion, Democracy Now!, dumpert, 8tracks, ESPN, Facebook, Falstad Circuit Simulator, Flickr, Fox News, Funny or Die, Gamespot, Getty Images, Gifs.com, GIPHY, GitHub Gist, Global News, GoFundMe, Google Drive, Google+, Google Sheets, Hudl, Hulu, IGN, IMDb trailers, Imgur, Indiegogo, Instagram, Internet Archive, İzlesene, JSFiddle, JW Platform, Kaltura, Kontinental Hockey League (КХЛ), Kickstarter, Libsyn, Liveleak, Livestream, Mail.Ru, Mastodon, Medium, Megaphone, Metacafe, Mixcloud, MLB, MRCTV, MSNBC, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Video, NBC News, NHL Videos and Highlights, NPR, The New York Times Video, Odysee, On3 DB, Orfium, Pastebin, Pinterest, Podbean, Prezi, Reddit threads and comments, Rumble, Rutube, Scribd, Sendvid, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Sporcle, Sportsnet, Spotify, Spreaker, Steam store, Straw Poll, Streamable, Team Coco, TED Talks, Telegram, The Atlantic Video, The Guardian (obsolete), The Onion, Threads, TikTok, TMZ, TradingView, Trailer Addict, Trending Views, Tumblr, 247Sports, Twitch, X, Ustream, VBOX7, Veoh, Vevo, Video Detective, Vimeo, Vine, VK, Vocaroo, Vox, Washington Post Video, Wavekit, Wistia, WorldStarHipHop, The Wall Street Journal Online, GameClips.io, Gamer DVR, XenForo, Youku, YouMaker, YouTube
    An embedded YouTube player would appear here.
  • [LIST] - Lists

    Displays a bulleted or numbered list.
    [*]Bullet 1
    [*]Bullet 2
    [*]Entry 1
    [*]Entry 2
    • Bullet 1
    • Bullet 2
    1. Entry 1
    2. Entry 2
  • [LEFT], [CENTER], [RIGHT] - Text alignment

    Changes the alignment of the wrapped text.
  • [QUOTE] - Quoted text

    Displays text that has been quoted from another source. You may also attribute the name of the source.
    [QUOTE]Quoted text[/QUOTE]
    [QUOTE=A person]Something they said[/QUOTE]
    Quoted text
    A person said:
    Something they said
  • [SPOILER] - Text containing spoilers

    Hides text that may contain spoilers so that it must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
    [SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER]
    [SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]
    Simple spoiler
    Spoiler with a title
  • [ISPOILER] - Inline text containing spoilers

    Allows you to display text inline among normal content which hides text that may contain spoilers and must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
    You have to click the following [ISPOILER]word[/ISPOILER] to see the content.
    You have to click the following word to see the content.
  • [CODE] - Programming code display

    Displays text in one of several programming languages, highlighting the syntax where possible.
    General code:

    Rich code:

    PHP code:
    [CODE=php]echo $hello . ' world';[/CODE]

    JS code:
    [CODE=javascript]var hello = 'world';[/CODE]
    General code:

    Rich code:
    Rich (BB code):

    PHP code:
    echo $hello . ' world';

    JS code:
    var hello = 'world';
  • [ICODE] - Inline programming code display

    Allows you to display code inline among normal post content. Syntax will not be highlighted.
    Inline code sections [ICODE]are a convenient way[/ICODE] of displaying code inline.

    Rich formatting within inline code sections [ICODE=rich]is [COLOR=red]also[/COLOR] [U]supported[/U][/ICODE].
    Inline code sections are a convenient way of displaying code inline.

    Rich formatting within inline code sections is also supported.
  • [INDENT] - Text indent

    Indents the wrapped text. This can be nested for larger indentings.
    Regular text
    [INDENT]Indented text[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]More indented[/INDENT]
    Regular text
    Indented text​
    More indented​
  • [TABLE] - Tables

    Special markup to display tables in your content.
    [TH]Header 1[/TH]
    [TH]Header 2[/TH]
    [TD]Content 1[/TD]
    [TD]Content 2[/TD]
    Header 1Header 2
    Content 1Content 2
  • [HEADING=level] - Headings levels 1 to 3

    Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
    [HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
    This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.

    [HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
    When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.

    If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.

    Major heading​

    This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.

    Minor heading​

    When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.


    If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
  • [PLAIN] - Plain text

    Disables BB code translation on the wrapped text.
    [PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN]
    This is not [B]bold[/B] text.
  • [ATTACH] - Attachment insertion

    Inserts an attachment at the specified point. If the attachment is an image, a thumbnail or full size version will be inserted. This will generally be inserted by clicking the appropriate button.
    Thumbnail: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
    Full size: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
    The contents of the attachments would appear here.
  • [EMBED] - Video embedded code

  • [EMBED_BIG] - Video Embedded Code - 640

  • [GALLERY=option] - Gallery embed

    BB code for displaying gallery media items and albums.
    [GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
    [GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
  • [VIMEO] - Vimeo Video

  • [WARNING] - warning

    [warning]STOP THAT![/warning]
  • [YOUTUBE] - youtube
