As do I
I am aswell, starting with a snes, but the N64 was the "big" one for me. Its what got me hooked. Lol, fricken mario kart 64. *nostalgias* I have a love for sony aswell. My TVs, DVD player, future Blu-ray player will be Sony etc. But just never liked the PS systems. Cept the PSP, loved both (untill they were stolen! >:'()
I too don't like the politics behind microsoft either, but the system is what I know and have invested in. Its rather expensive to go from the 360 to the PS3. Besides the blu-ray built in, the only games id get would probably be the God of War and Metal Gear sagas. Maybe M.A.G. too... lol.
The story line in #2 was a little off the 1st, but it was strange enough to keep me hooked. And now im wondering how they will finish all this.
Fable 2 was fun if you can take the" Fable" name away from it. There are some fun and amusing parts to it, and once I start playing it I generally play for a while, but it takes forever for me to get me to play it.
It does have a chance. It just so happens it is its last chance. If they manage to muck up this, then the CoD series will fail. They also say its the followup to MW2, but I really hope its not. Im really hoping they Infinity Ward puts out a MW3 that continues straight from the end of the second. Like... it fricken starts in the helicopter as youre holding your cut. >_<
Really? Gunna have to get that
F.E.A.R. for the comp was a great game. Been kinda wondering about the new ones. Do they continue from the first story line? Or?...