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Old 07-08-2022, 02:52 AM   #91
So Wednesday we drove up to Florida Cancer Specialists early. Connie had blood drawn and then we had a meeting with her oncologist. We weren't sure if she was going to get a chemo treatment or not. Apparently her blood work looked good enough to proceed with the chemo, but Dr. Ellison said she was taking her off of the Abraxane (sp?) because Connie was apparently having a reaction to it. Seems this drug is just as potent as the Taxol (again sp?) that Connie had a pretty severe reaction to during the first chemo session, but it is administered in three doses over three weeks instead of the single dose every three weeks that is used for the Taxol. I guess I should write down the other chemo drugs she is getting, but I have no idea where that paperwork is right now. But in any event, she only got the two drugs instead of the three. That was going to take 3 to 4 hours, so Connie sent me home. Oh, one thing of note from the meeting with Dr. Ellison was that she said the tumor marker being monitored had dropped even further. That was as of 06-29-2022, since they apparently don't run that test every blood work event. It was originally over 9,000, then dropped down to 900 something, and then on 06-29 it was at 579. Of course, the normal healthy range is between 0.00 and 38.0, so Connie has a long way to go, it seems. But at least it was encouraging.

So I went home and started working on cleaning up the den some more. Still working on the roll top desk, cleaning out some drawers when I can to one that held a bunch of cards Connie has sent or given me over the years. Apparently I was away for a spell, likely the time I was either in Los Angeles or up in Massachusetts for school. So of course I was reading through them, but I couldn't take that, and had to stop. Not very manly of me, I guess.

I ran back to FCS around quarter after 3 to pick Connie up, but she wasn't done quite yet. So I asked to speak to the office manager there. I wanted to know why our request to change oncologist hadn't happened. Honestly, Dr. Ellison does seem to be a lot better in our meetings with her, so it's not like I am as strongly inclined to change right now, but I did want to know what happened. The office manager seemed surprised when I told her about this. She said as far as she knew, she had arranged the change, and set up the next meeting to be with the new oncologist. So she didn't know. But she said that by the time I see her again, she will find out. So it is just curious...

Anyway, Connie seemed a bit hoarse, but not feeling bad from the chemo. She still has a good appetite, but is now on the regimen of many small meals and nothing too large. She takes anti-nausea pills, but doesn't want to press her luck. She spend much of the rest of the day in the recliner, but she did make dinner for me. She insists she wants to do her normal things whenever she is able to. But I try to keep it easy by saying I just want a sandwich for dinner. Just pull a crabcake out of the freezer, slap it on a bun, and I am good. Throw is on a paper plate, and no dishes to do afterwards.

Today (Thursday) we both felt this was basically a free day. Nothing scheduled, no appointments, and she seemed to feel well enough that we weren't expecting to have to run to the ER for any reason. So I decided I was going to clean up that stainless steel dish drainer she has been asking me to do for a while now. She just wanted to buy a new one, but me, like a dummy, said I could be able to clean it up like new. So I took it outside, and it was pretty darn hot, and that spray she said would remove the calcium deposits easily, really didn't. So I had to use a hard plastic bristle brush on the thing, and honestly it about wore me out. Which reminds me, didn't I do some strenuous stuff the day before I had my heart attack? Hopefully I don't have a repeat of that!

While I was working on some of the drainer inside the old reptile building, where it was much cooler, Connie came over and rode her stationary bike for a while to get some exercise. After she was finished, I was still working on that darn drainer (the part that holds the dishes upright was REALLY a killer!) so she went over to the house. A couple of minutes later she bursts in the door all breathless saying she got a call from FCS that she had an appointment for a shot (the shot to help build up her white blood cell count) at 1:45. It was 2:45 right then, they closed at 4:00 and it is a 45 minute drive to get up there. So she said she was going to drive herself. I told her all I needed to do was to change my shirt (I was soaking wet from sweat from working outside) but she HAD TO GO.

I hated for her to have to drive up there by herself. Apparently she got a different drug this time, and not the Zarxio that she had gotten before. But she can't remember the name of this new drug. It is supposed to be stronger than the Zarxio. I hope she doesn't get the bone pain they tell her she might get from it. She didn't have that with the Zarxio, and since her blood count seemed OK, I can't figure out why they are administering it. Perhaps precautionary? But she seemed OK so far. Hoping between the chemo and this new drug that it doesn't knock her on her butt over the next few days. So far she has been handling this all pretty well. And that cough finally seems to have gone away, too.

As an aside, I seem to be mentally more stable about this the last day or two. And all for a completely illogical and totally off the wall reason. I know this is going to have you all thinking I need to have the net thrown over me and hauled away to the booby hatch, but I had an odd thing happen a couple of days ago. Must have been Tuesday. I was walking around outside for some reason, and I was thinking about God. I was thinking it just wasn't fair that a shining gem like Connie would have this happen to her and that she might be snatched from this life. I was about under the carport when clear as a bell I heard a voice in my head say in a voice I have never heard before "Trust me, Rich." I stopped dead in my tracks. Yeah, I know, I could have just imagined it, and possibly I did. But the voice was like a blade cutting through a fog. So am I just losing it? It certainly did calm me down. Not exactly serene or anything, and I am certainly not the religious type to go off the deep edge and start bible studies now. But maybe my subconscious is just trying to help me cope.

Oh, I forgot to mention a detail. Before this event happened, Connie and I were standing in the bathroom, and she got a look on her face. She was feeling above the top of her right breast and thought she felt a lump there. She asked me to feel, and yeah, it did feel like a lump to me. I am sure I had the same look on my face. She said that if the cancer is spreading that will be the end of it as far as she is concerned. What could I say? So yeah, that was on my mind as I was walking around outside mentioned above.

So when I went back into the house, something made me ask her to feel for that lump again. And you know what? It wasn't there. Maybe it was something else. A muscle, perhaps? But she felt and could not find it neither.

So OK, I am going all spacey now. Hearing voices, and taking something that could have just been a coincidence and thinking it was a sign. And I guess the fact that I question why Connie is going through this in the first place shows I am having trouble with any "trusting" or belief. I still have to ask "why?" Of course, back when Connie was first diagnosed with cancer, I did ask of God to take whatever he wanted from me to give to her to make her well. And I DID get a heart attack REAL soon after my request. So maybe my wish had been granted. I do remember while in the back of the ambulance thinking "God, you sure didn't wait long, now did you?"

I guess, for real, sooner or later I will know one way or another.

Sheesh, I will be REAL surprised if I don't delete most of above. Makes me sound like some sort of whacko. But heck, maybe I am. I think some of you would excuse me for losing my damned mind over all this.
Old 07-10-2022, 02:22 PM   #92
For anyone interested in knowing such details, the new shot she got on 07-07 to increase her white blood cell count is called "Ziextenzo". I believe it is generic for "Neulasta". She was getting a shot of something called "Zarxio (sp?)" but this new one is supposed to be stronger. Not sure why the "upgrade" as her white blood cell count didn't look bad in her last blood work results. Might be a good thing though, because Connie is absolutely scared to death of getting any sort of infection now. I have been washing my hands so much and using disinfectant whenever I come into the house that my hands are beginning to feel kind of weird. And I have purchased a couple of air purifiers for the house to try to scrub the air as much as possible. Matter of fact, I have four more sitting out on the porch in boxes I need to set up. Probably overkill, but oh well...

The chemo drugs she is being administered are "Bevacizumab" and "Carboplatin". She was getting "Abraxane" but the oncologist took her off of it for the last treatment on 07-06.

She is feeling very tired today. She is not sleeping well at night, so I tell her to just take cat naps whenever she feels like it. Earlier her cheeks were flushed, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse. Matter of fact, it comes and goes over the past couple of days. One of the nurses on Thursday told her the shot would give her just sort of an overall "crappy" feeling of just not feeling all that well. And I think that is hitting Connie somewhat. But she still has a good appetite, and thankfully hasn't gotten any sort of nausea problems. Probably due to the pills she is taking to combat sort of side effect. I am thankful of that, as I have heard from some people that this was the worst of the effects they got from having chemo treatments. At least in their opinion. So I hope Connie will be spared that.

She is back in her recliner now, reading a book, but I expect she will doze off frequently. I may go over to the other building so I don't disturb her. But I have to admit that I have become more dependent on my cell phone as a means of her getting in touch with me if she needs me.
Old 07-10-2022, 03:32 PM   #93
I am so very thankful that you and Connie are progressing well. It's fantastic that her tumor marker tested so much lower! I'm not familiar with specific chemotherapy meds but I'm familiar with serious, debilitating, ongoing nausea. I've always thought that Dante should have included serious nausea in his descriptions of Hell, and not just in an outer circle. I have been specifically praying that Connie would be spared that as she goes through this process. I'm thankful that she has been, and will continue to pray that she continues to be spared. And that you both are strengthened and healed.

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Old 07-21-2022, 10:09 PM   #94
Dyscophus antongilii
Hi ,

How is Connie doing? I hope she is okay.
Old 07-22-2022, 02:15 PM   #95
Connie got word yesterday that the tumor markers they are monitoring dropped from 578(?) on 06-29 to 333 from the blood test she had this past Wednesday (07-20). So that is heading in the right direction.

She seems to be feeling pretty good. Scheduled for her next chemo treatment this upcoming Wednesday (07-27).
Old 07-22-2022, 04:06 PM   #96
great news, hope the good news continues!
Old 07-22-2022, 08:38 PM   #97
Dyscophus antongilii
and !
Old 07-26-2022, 12:19 AM   #98
Hooray for good news!!

Sent from my SM-A716U1 using Tapatalk
Old 08-08-2022, 01:52 PM   #99
Well, let's see. I guess this is an update.

The latest blood work Connie had (08-03) was showing some really high numbers for some things related to her white blood cell counts, so the oncologist is taking her off of that "Ziextenzo" she was being given the day after the chemo. Not sure what that is all about, but hope there hasn't been anything long term damaging involved. I believe she had two sessions of that particular drug. Honestly, all these exotic chemicals going into her body makes me really nervous. Especially if you read about the possible side effects. That is enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up.

Connie has been feeling relatively OK, just some minor issues likely related to the chemo treatments (and possibly that above mentioned shot she was getting) and her immunity being on a low ebb. But she seems to still have a good appetite and is trying to keep on eating so she doesn't lose a lot of weight. She has been hovering around 105 lbs lately and it is a struggle for her to eat enough to keep it there. She is only taking small meals, as she is afraid to eat too much and maybe trigger some nausea as a result. Plus she is drinking a lot of water each day to help flush out those chemo chemicals, as is recommended in the literature she was given. So it is difficult for her to get a solid night's sleep when she has to pee about every 2 or 3 hours.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but her sister (Karen) is a cancer survivor that Connie has been using as a mentor for her own journey and also as an example of someone who had a pretty severe case of cancer, yet pulled through. Karen basically had stage 4 cancer with tumors all through her body. We thought she was a goner for certain. But Karen read up on alternative treatments concerning using baking soda and honey, along with her chemo, and that is what she did. Not sure if that is what saved her, but heck, it was pretty miraculous that she pulled through like she did. So what the heck, Connie is trying that too.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Karen was certain that her cancer had come back. She was having pains that she said felt just like the pain she experienced from her cancer tumors. Of course this had Connie pretty much feeling shattered, as she felt she was looking at her future too. But long story short, turned out that Karen had two broken ribs, and some fluid around the breaks that was causing the pain. No signs of cancer whatsoever from all the tests she went through. We were all breathing a big sigh of relief! I really don't know how Connie would have taken hearing that Karen was back in really big trouble again. I think she would have been on real thin ice mentally.

Yeah, Connie is bummed out by the minor side effects she is experiencing, but as I have been telling her, it could be a LOT worse. I am actually surprised, because I was really fearing the worse. She is going in for another blood work session on 08-10, so hopefully they will be checking that tumor marker thing again and the number will be even lower than before. Hopefully even a LOT lower. And I am curious about those white blood cell numbers too. Then her next chemo treatment is scheduled for 08-17.

She is trying to stay active, but not much she can do outside with the mosquitoes from all the rain we have been having lately. But she is trying to do the best she can. I REALLY don't want her to be bitten by mosquitoes with her immune system being on the blink. No telling what sort of bad things could result from that.
Old 08-09-2022, 08:54 PM   #100
Well, this is worth noting here.....



Ivermectin, as an old anti-parasite drug, can suppress almost completely the growth of various human cancers, including ovarian cancer (OC). However, its anticancer mechanism remained to be further studied at the molecular levels. Ivermectin-related molecule-panel changes will serve a useful tool for its personalized drug therapy and prognostic assessment in OCs.

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