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Police Blotter General notifications about thefts, breakins or and cases where animals or materials are stolen. Photos of the merchandise taken can be posted to help with recovery.

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Old 07-09-2002, 04:55 PM   #31
Is this a joke? Yes I may have been a lil harsh with Neil, but quite frankly I'm sick of his smug little attitude he has because he thinks that this has blown over and he is in the clear.  I've read all of the hundred and something pages regarding this for the past month and Neil has stuck his foot in his mouth about a dozen times and never explained that.  Bottom line, if someone else here told police that a snake was stolen when it was dead in their fridge, Neil would've jumped on them like there was no tomorrow.  If someone on here said they had proof of their innocence and never posted it, Neil would've jumped all over them to do so.  Countless times in those hundred pages Neil has stuck his own foot in his a$$ and NO ONE can deny it.  This little attitude he has now about trying to go back to the way he used to be before all of this happened is stomach turning.  First he tears Josie a new a-hole, then after 40 more pages of crap, he's best friends with her. Then when things are quieting down, and someone asks him a question, he starts bringing Dave into this, even though DAVE has completely let everything die down.  This whole thing has become a joke and the biggest joke of em all is Neil.  Even now the Neil is laughing at his supporters on this thread, he has to be asking himself, "After all the sh1t i spewed on these hundreds of pages, how the hell are these idiots still believing that im a good guy??" God knows thats what im asking myself.
Old 07-09-2002, 05:24 PM   #32
Neil Gubitz
Chris...I think it's about time for a diaper change! The one's you're wearing, are getting kind of full...don't you think??? lmao

I still luv ya, though...
Old 07-09-2002, 05:27 PM   #33
There ya go again, "Oh no, someone is making actual points, i better change the subject and say he needs his diaper changed."  Neil, step up to the plate. Where's your proof, where's your dad's letter, and what did your private private investigator find out?  Hey neil, i still love ya too, but sh!t man, step up to the plate.  You owe the people that gave a crapload of money to your fund.  Work it out, tell the truth, and let's end it.
Old 07-09-2002, 05:40 PM   #34
Neil Gubitz
Good try, Chris...better luck next time! ....Neil
Old 07-09-2002, 05:53 PM   #35
John Apple
Why respond to this cr@p???
If you are a man of integrity as you have said you are...then why respond.....Oh I get it ...he threw first...yadda  yadda yadda
hey remember this...sticks and stones
but no bones being broken here, just some misplaced pride
put up or shut up
I am surprised the webslave doesn't get this thread
Oh well i am off to take pics of the blandings[yup I am in northern Wisconson]
Old 07-09-2002, 05:55 PM   #36
Good Try? Oh no, he's bringing up good points again, better ignore him like i did the 500 other messages. spam_Nice try Neil. spam_Lemme ask you one question. spam_You had friends on this board about 3 months ago, and since then they've turned on you like rabid wolves, why do you think that is? spam_One or two of them you could say were always out to get you, but there were dozens of them, maybe hundreds that were not out to get you until you were caught lying. spam_So, why all the enemies now neil? I know, I know, your kingsnake sales are just as good as they ever were right? Well I guess until the next time you try and sell a snake you told police was dead. spam_I guess then we can look forward to another hundred pages of SnakePit drivel.
Old 07-09-2002, 06:12 PM   #37
I would like to reinerate the apology for making a new post. But as I said before, I searched for the old one in trying to find some sort of update, I had friends that contributed the "Neil Fund" and I was curious, he made it public, we all followed it, people went out of their way and from the goodness of their hearts and donated,time money and animals to him.   It had been awhile since I had the time to log in and see what the situation was. And there are so many threads that include his name or "THE SNAKE PIT" that I got a headache from trying to find it. Then after John posted on it and brought it back up and I read it, I agree totally with Chris, there is to much on it already. It was overwhelming. I did not know that asking the simple question of "Are there any updates?"  was going to offend Neil so badley and stress him out and start making him attack people who had nothing at all to do with the post or me. But after reading the old thread though, I can see why. The evidence is d**mning in my opinion, and his attitude just seals it for me. He said several times before his attitude is like that because he's a New Yorker,  I don't care if he's from New York or Tim-Buc-Two. New Yorkers don't treat people who are trying to help them in that manner, and for him to keep claiming that hes that way because of that, is just nausaiting. Its nothing but pure no hometraining and ingratfulness.
You know this might have been something that could of just went away for Neil, had it been just him trying to get money from insurance,  but when he invovled all these people that honestly were trying to help him, and then hes not shown any proof of the explanations he is trying to claim, then he becomes so insulting and hateful to the very people that were trying to help him, just because they ask questions.??  These people gave up hard earned money to him with no questions or doubts, they completely trusted that Neil was fellow herper, in need, and they opened up, and he smacked them in their faces..They have a right to know. And after reading the old thread,  I don't feel he deserves any sympathy. I don't care how nice of guy he appears to be.
Wen Hughes
Old 07-09-2002, 06:29 PM   #38
wow, neil's a new yawker, so am i, maybe thats why i'm not intimidated by his crap or any of his few supporters crap.  Amazing how people can blame where they're from for being a jerk.
Old 07-09-2002, 06:58 PM   #39
Neil Gubitz
John're probably right about just letting it drop...but, I'm enjoying this??

Wen and guys can say anything you can believe anything you want, it won't affect me, or the way I conduct my business one bit! said that I went back to being the "old" Neil?? Well, I got a news flash for you...I haven't changed! I'm "still" the "old" Neil...I just decided to give 110% of what I get in return?? But, you two just aren't worth it??
If you read what you just wrote....all the fine people that "donated" to my cause, and "out of the goodness of my heart, made it public"....well, there's the catch guys....look it up if you don't believe me...."donation" - something given without any expectation of anything received!! If you want to get technical...I really don't owe anybody anything for "donating" to my was out of the "goodness of my heart" that I opened this all up for everyone to see, without running away from it....if you don't believe what I've said, and you want to keep bringing up stuff that is baseless on it's face....I couldn't care less!!
There are still a lot of people on this board who, not only, value my comments, but value my help and my friendship,, if you think I'm going to get into another pissing match with the likes of you two, so that Rich "has to" banish me???, are "you" mistaken!! guys have fun...OK??? ....Neil
Old 07-09-2002, 08:36 PM   #40
Casey Hulse
Neil. I think you are confusing a donation, with a hand-out. A donation was made by me, to the fund, with the reasonable expectation that the money would be used to hire a P.I. to investigate the burglary to your store. Now, months later, you imply that the money given had no strings. B.S! $1400.00 was donated by alot of people and you want to pretend that it is of no concern? Tough luck? Too bad for us?? You like to pretend that there are only a few people that do not believe you. I do not think anyone believes you, they are just tired of you bashing them all the time. Why is it. that you talk to Josie on the phone, but then you come on this BOI to make generous offers to her? You want everyone to think that you are kind hearted, but you are far from it. You need to show some respect to the people who donated money, and stop the name calling and insults and get some facts posted here.

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