Bye bye dream - FaunaClassifieds
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General Herp Talk Can't figure out where to post down in the other discussion forums? Too many options and too complicated? Well post your herp related messages here and to heck with it.

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Old 09-17-2010, 09:56 PM   #1
Unhappy Bye bye dream

Well I love snakes and I've had a couple as pets, but about a year ago I decided to turn my love into ambition and saved up and bought the most gorgeous albino female I've seen on the web, she's kahl het for anery and salmon, was 5ft when i bought her and is 6 now, almost 3 yrs old, I named her Ginger. A few months later I bought a young sunglow male het for anery. It was the beginning of my dream and starting off really great. I would've gotten, if I was lucky, moonglows, snows, sunglows, and more! Then I started thinking about what my next project was going to be, I made a list of what I wanted and planned to slowly get my new boas, very slowly, I'm poor folk, see. Well today i came home to find Ginger's enclosure completely latched up, but no snake inside. So either she somehow got out of her cage on her own and then latched it back up or someone stole her from me. I feel like my dream is crushed and I don't have the money to get another like her, and won't anytime soon, and I'm so down I don't think I even want to. I don't know who did it or why or if she's okay. She was so sweet and beautiful. Just thought I'd share my story with you guys.
Old 09-17-2010, 11:08 PM   #2

Aww, Kelly I am so sorry to hear this story and I truly hope that you can be reunited with Ginger. It really gives me great sadness and makes me angry to know that there are people out there who have no heart and would steal away a persons beloved pet. Do you have any ideas as to who could have done this to you, anyone have access to her or were there any signs of forced entry?

Again, Im very sorry for your loss and I hope you do find her safely and also the person who did this with the hopes that they will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Good luck
Old 09-17-2010, 11:54 PM   #3
Thank you Jeffrey. No I have no idea who it could be, I did not think I had any enemies, I would think someone would take her to get to me because this is a small town, no one I know would know the first thing about boa breeding, morphs, and her value except my mom and my sister, and a couple close people who have no interest in it. I have a great dane and i work at night and sleep during the day, if someone came in he would let me know...I'm clueless.
Old 09-18-2010, 12:09 AM   #4
Sorry to hear of Ginger. Just in case the impossible did happen and she escaped her enclosure, search everywhere for her. In case someone stole her, keep an eye on craigslist, classifieds, pet stores etc.... anywhere someone may try to sell her. Report her missing to vets, animal control etc.. And if you know of anyone in high school, ask them if they've heard of anyone bragging about their new snake. Teenages cannot keep their mouths shut and word gets around.

crossing my fingers she turns up safe and sound.
Old 09-18-2010, 12:48 AM   #5

I'm soooo sorry you've had your snake stole/gone missing!!

Have you checked VERY THOROUGHLY to make sure there's no way it could have escaped?? I'd check the house with a fine-tooth comb for her

I'll be praying that Ginger is returned/comes back to you in perfect condition!!!

Old 09-18-2010, 01:28 AM   #6
My condolences, Kelly. I'll be keeping Ginger and you in my thoughts and prayers.

Originally Posted by Melinda View Post
Sorry to hear of Ginger. Just in case the impossible did happen and she escaped her enclosure, search everywhere for her. In case someone stole her, keep an eye on craigslist, classifieds, pet stores etc.... anywhere someone may try to sell her. Report her missing to vets, animal control etc.. And if you know of anyone in high school, ask them if they've heard of anyone bragging about their new snake. Teenages cannot keep their mouths shut and word gets around.

crossing my fingers she turns up safe and sound.
I agree with Melinda. Watch all of those places like a hawk!

I've had snakes get loose a couple times. Check behind the fridge in the coils! Lots of warmth and its nice and dark. If she isn't too big try lining the walls with tape sticky side up as well as making a box on the floor out of tape with some food in the middle. If she is loose then it might help you catch her.
Old 09-18-2010, 02:12 AM   #7
One thing you can do to tell if Ginger is still in the house is to sprinkle flour all over the lino/wood floors.

Also, take a small feeder and put it out for her, to lure her out.

It may make a freakin' mess, but if she's there, you'll see her trail!!

I've got my daughter praying for her return, too!!

BIG HUGS, hon!!
Old 09-18-2010, 04:19 AM   #8
Thank you everyone for your concern, prayers, and advice, I'll take all of it. The food lure and flour are great ideas, and thank you, yes I will check craigslist and vets and animal shop. Your support and sympathy helps and is greatly appreciated. I will keep ya'll updated.
Old 09-18-2010, 05:30 AM   #9
I FOUND HER!!! She was under/between the bath tub and the wall, we are in the middle of sheet rocking. I don't know how it happened, who let her out or why, but it doesn't matter now, dead bolt now set for my room. It could have been an accident, someone checking her out then forgetting to close the cage, then came back to close it, or someone was trying to scare me, but she's safe now. Thank you everyone!
Old 09-18-2010, 05:51 AM   #10

That is fantastic news!!! Im so happy to hear that you have found her and she is now back where she needs to be. I would now check, double check and triple check her enclosure to make sure there is no way she could have flexed her door or any part of her cage open to escape.

Good luck and keep your "dream" under lock and key from now on!

:? party:

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