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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 11-05-2014, 03:06 PM   #1
Angry Discovery Animal Cruelty

This video and link came from Discovery Channel's Facebook page about an hour ago. I am absolutely disgusted.

I am going to boycott but it probably won't do anything.
Old 11-05-2014, 03:39 PM   #3
i stopped watching discovery and animal planet for similar reasons, their bogus and harmful "for science!" shows.
Old 11-05-2014, 05:18 PM   #4
As someone who's loved and kept more than a few anacondas, it kinda pisses me off that so many people seem okay with the idea that, no matter how this goes, it's going to mean varying degrees of needless stress or suffering to the snake - quite possibly ending in an entirely unnecessary death. It's especially infuriating to know that an anaconda that's actually large enough to consume a human isn't exactly a very common animal, which is yet another reason to just leave it be. It's sad that so few people seem to appreciate the majesty of the truly giant constrictors.

Pointlessly sensationalistic programming amounts to nothing more than an attempt at ratings-driven shock value, which is pretty pathetic for a network that used to have a bit of substance to its shows. I don't think that celebrating or documenting nature should involve destroying it. I just don't see a damn point to it. I guess this will just be another reminder of why I pretty much stopped watching T.V.
Old 11-06-2014, 10:04 AM   #5

Petitions up. Let's stop this hate mongering from airing on TV.
This awful man is obviously still alive if it already was filmed but we can stop the spread of incorrect information.
Old 11-06-2014, 11:29 PM   #6
I would say that I am going to boycott TV completely, but heck, I did that years ago.
Old 11-07-2014, 12:51 AM   #7
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
I would say that I am going to boycott TV completely, but heck, I did that years ago.
Yep, me too.
Old 11-11-2014, 04:35 PM   #8
petition signed.
Old 11-28-2014, 01:53 PM   #9

It's been confirmed that he was partially digested and then dragged out.
Old 12-08-2014, 12:57 AM   #10
I wanted to hear what happened and found this review, figured I would share:

"Discovery Channel made a bit of a splash with the announcement it would air the special “Eaten Alive,” about a guy who intends to let himself be engulfed by a giant anaconda, then the network wisely decided not to screen it in advance. That’s because the more accurate title, for those who bothered to watch, would be ”Suckered In.” Part nature special, part save-the-Rain-Forest lecture, part “Predator,” the protracted buildup culminated in a staged encounter that amounted to more of a snack than a meal. Even allowing for a bit of P.T. Barnum-like showmanship, this nonsense proved hard to swallow.

Conservationist Paul Rosolie and his team traveled through a remote region of the Amazon looking, as it were, for the snake that got away: According to Rosolie, a green anaconda he encountered larger than the record size of nearly 25 feet.

Not just an anaconda, in other words, but a “mega-anaconda” of “truly monstrous proportions,” as the narration put it – which, if it hasn’t already, would make a great title for one of those cheapo Syfy movies.

Actually, just finding such a snake and learning a bit about it would probably be worthy of an hour or so, or a movie starring Jennifer Lopez. But they didn’t call this “Searching for Giant Snakes,” and the producers and Discovery sought to sweeten their haul by gimmicking-up the proceedings with the high-tech suit devised to theoretically allow the beast to swallow and regurgitate Rosolie, a bulky contraption that only made him that much more inedible.

The main event, not surprisingly (and yes, SPOILER ALERT), turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. Having failed to catch the snake he wanted, Rosolie settled for getting eaten by the snake he’s with, wearing an outfit last seen when John Wayne fought a giant octopus in “Reap the Wild Wind.”

The confused snake nibbled on his arm, and then the two engaged in a round of extended mud wrestling, complete with a lot of heavy breathing. And that actually makes it sound more exciting than it was.

Then again, this was a special so desperate to ratchet up the drama that it actually featured a headline out of the Weekly World News, before acknowledging that most “snake eats man” stories are, in fact, hoaxes.

Still, the hook was baited, and “Eaten Alive” had to pad out a two-hour block, weaving in a history of snakes – they’re in the Bible! And mythology! – chaotic footage of the search; dramatic musical cues; and slow-motion shots of Rosolie popping out of the water, vaguely resembling a “Rambo” movie.

That’s not to say “Eaten Alive” didn’t offer compensation in terms of nature footage and sheer comedy, beginning with the obligatory disclaimer that read, “Do not attempt any of the acts featured in this program.” Plus there were all those tweets flashing across the screen from people allegedly saying how impressed they were by what they were watching.

See? Find the right audience, and even the most ridiculous and manipulative TV can be educational — and without shedding any skin, reveal a network’s true colors."

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