My new Leo - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 02-02-2005, 12:20 PM   #1
My new Leo

I just received my new Leo today. Her name is "Missy". I ordered her from Garrick at I've heard a lot of good stuff about Garrick's leos and decided to buy from him. I was completely satisfied. He was freindly and helpful over the phone. And, best of all, Missy is a beauty! The website said she was 58 grams. When she arrived she weighed in at 65. It appears that she might be ready to breed do to the large stomace she has. At least that was Garrick's guess. Take a look and tell me what you think.

I think Missy and Diesel, my giant tremper (pictured below), will produce great babies.

Old 02-02-2005, 12:31 PM   #2
sweet little girl ya got. Garrick is a good guy to deal with. I wish you the best of luck with the tremper giants. I might even have to get one to go with mine.
Old 02-02-2005, 01:46 PM   #3
BADA BING! WARNING! Sexually Explicit Gecko Love!

Finally! This is my first year breeding and I've been hoping that my normal female, who weights 53g, would mate to my Tremper giant. But I'm not sure if it ever happened. It's been almost 4 weeks and I've seen no signs. Today, I get Missy delivered and my lack of patients was making sure I couldn't wait. So I introduced the two, and in minutes, the deed was done. I'm so excited. I'll be waiting to see those eggs show up underneath her skin.

Old 02-02-2005, 01:53 PM   #4
Manhattan Herps
hmm..i would have waited at least a week to breed her..breeding and carrying eggs is going to cause some stress, i would have let her get settled in..made sure she was 100% healthy and eating...befor even thinking about breeding her

good luck, hopefully stress wont cause some unecessary problems
Old 02-02-2005, 02:03 PM   #5
I was worried about that too. But she wasn't skiddish when I took her out of her packaging. She laid across my arm for some warmth I assume. She actually acted more comfortably then the other female I have. she eat some worms when she went into her drawer.
Old 02-02-2005, 02:16 PM   #6
Jeremy Letkey
Jason, I'll take this even further that Dan did. What about quarentine?? I don't care who an animal comes from there is always the chance that it could be carrying something. Then on top of that this poor gecko just arrived today!!!!! That is incredibly stupid. Wether the gecko ate or sat on your hand does not mean that she is ready to breed right out of the box. You can try to justify this one all you want but you are WRONG.

I have had a list of people in my head of who not to do business with , I'll be putting your name on it. Jason Childress from Boston. Right up near the top.
Old 02-02-2005, 02:33 PM   #7
Jeremy everyone makes mistakes. Did you make zero mistakes your first year of breeding?

Jason, that was a mistake for all the reasons Dan and Jeremy mentioned, but in a much nicer tone of voice.
Old 02-02-2005, 03:37 PM   #8

First off, I dont consider myself a professional that knows it all. Second off, did I get over anxios becuase I'm looking forward to my first time breeding? Yes i did. I admit that. I made a decision based on the stress level of my new leo. From my experiance, she was very chill. Thats why I introduced the two. If i thought any harm in anyway would come to these two leos, of course I would never do it. I'm not saying that my experiance is the best. But I made a decision. You dont have to agree with me.

Looking back at it, Hearing the more experianced people tell me what I should have done, and for reasons why in a polite way, was useful. You on the other hand, blasting me and yelling at me. Then discrediting my name on a public forum was very disrepectful and unnessacary of you. I don't plan to have a business, or make any money off of my hobby. But if I do, don't worry, I'll never do business with you either.

Old 02-02-2005, 04:00 PM   #9
Jeremy Letkey
Jason, I certainly do not know it all. I do (and I belive that you do also) know that what you did was wrong. There really is no aruging about it. You are a grown man not a child and you did something that you knew was not going to be condoned by your peers here. If you honestly thought that when you posted that you just put not one but two newly aquired animals together to breed that the people here would congraudulate you, then you were mistaken. If I am correct in the fact that you also just recently aquired the male also( about 1 month ago?). Are you trying to tell me that you did not hear or read about quarintine at all?? If you think that I am trying to discredit your name think again, I didn't start this thread. I am just pointing out the facts. Just because I wasn't as nice as the others that replied doesn't mean that my point is any less valid.

In all honesty I do hope that the geckos involved will be ok. I also ask that you do keep us updated if the female becomes gravid and through the egg laying process if that is the case. If you have any questions post them in this forum and do not let me scare you away. There are plenty of good people here who will be willing to help you if you experience problems. I didn't mean to berate you. It just irritates me when people act without thinking things all the way through. I believe that if you could do this over again you might do it differently?
Old 02-02-2005, 06:13 PM   #10
I just feel the need to comment...the way a leo acts immediately out of the box is NOT a good judge of their stress level. You have NO IDEA what her normal temperament is and how she acts normally...before assuming that a leo is not stressed I would get at least two good meals into it first. The only thing I'd see as a decent judge of stress level is whether they are eating or not.

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