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Old 05-11-2005, 02:00 AM   #1
Question Cliques?

OK, do cliques just happen, or can someone actually MAKE a clique? Suppose I WANTED to make a clique here, how would I go about it? And if I were to be able to make this clique, what could I do to signify to all the world (assuming this wouldn't be a SECRET clique) that these people were members of this clique?

I have something in mind, but I'm not exactly how to go about it. Should all someone have to do to be a member of this clique be nothing more then a snap (*click*) of the fingers to let people know when in public? Kind of like a not so secret handshake or code word? Maybe "click" if you're in the clique? Perhaps something like a card carrying FaunaClassifieds Clique member?

And is there such a thing as a "cliquer" and a "cliquee"? Man, this is all new territory for me and I want to make sure I get it RIGHT!
Old 05-11-2005, 02:21 AM   #2
Maybe a new forum should be started. Click the Clique.
Old 05-11-2005, 02:33 AM   #3
Dennis Hultman
I am forming my secret clique right now. I am doing it with private messages and reputation points. I have many members right now and when we become powerful enough we will strike and take full control of Fauna.
That is until you threaten us with warning points!! LOL, then we will give it back.
Old 05-11-2005, 09:17 PM   #4
Lol...... I love the fact that silly things like this get beat so badly around here. It never fails to bring a smile to my face. Too funny!!
Old 05-11-2005, 09:53 PM   #5
By the Daytona Beach show, I hope to have this FaunaClassifieds clique thing really clicking.
Old 05-12-2005, 12:18 AM   #6
Let's see:


n : an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose [syn: coterie, ingroup, inner circle, pack, camp]
Pretty straight forward definition. Sounds to me like "clique forming" shouldn't be difficult to do. I think the fun word in that definition is "exclusive". That would lend validity to requirements like code words or secret handshakes or such.
Old 05-12-2005, 01:22 AM   #7
Rebel Dragons
Cliques are exclusive. You can't become a member overnight. I am sure all of us while in highschool wished we were in a certain "group". You either gave up, fell into another group, or you slowly worked your way into the group you wanted to be in. Slowly being the key word in that senario.

I propose on that note that the members have a vote to nominate say 5 "clique" leaders. Once nominated and the member excepts the nomination. The top vote getters get a leadership status. The 5 leaders can then send out invites to those who they personally would like in their "clique". The member can then say yes or no. If a member is asked by diffrent leaders to join that member can simply choose. Upon joining a clique said member can display the clique logo in their avatar or something like that.

Now to the downside, quite simply some members will not be asked to join a clique. If thats the case I say keep trying. But while trying keep in mind butt kissers and whiners are turned away by the leaders real quick. Clique status comes with invitation. Thats what makes it exclusive.

Because quite simply that is pretty much how it all worked looking back on my highschool days. It didn't matter how hard you tried if the leader didn't want you in their circle you didn't get in. And for those hard luck cases that just haven't been asked yet. Create a wanna-be medallion. They can wear it proudly until that special day comes.

Will it create some friction here? Yes indeedy but hey look at it this way. Cliques are already here. they just don't have a public "status" yet.

Just my .02 on all this clique stuff. I personally think no matter how it is done it will be fun. But only if you let it be fun...............
Old 05-12-2005, 01:46 AM   #8
Ahhhh, but what happens when the nerds, er non-clickers, take over the world? What then to all the fine hug-a-thons, and you wipe mine and I'll wipe yours marathons? What then????

ANARCHY, that's what!!! Total ANARCHY..... hey, wait, we have THAT now. Huh Rich?

And what about the sub-cliques, the groups within groups that will be whispered about and rumored to exist, all the while whetting the appitites of those already members of the vaunted clique of choice or distinction but soured by the knowledge, or even WORSE, the suspiscion of knowledge, which is RARELY knowledge in any measurable form, of those secret and unobtainable cliques that don't really exist anyway. What THEN???


We MUST form a sub-set clique to remove our Glorious Leader as HE is the root of all unhappiness, the source of the disfavor meted out to those who are not good enough to be in one of the COOL cliques, relegated instead to one of the sub-par and only in existance cliques that are only acknowledged by the poor and desparate wannabes that can't find a place of their own on their own. WE must think of them, the unfortunate, the bucktoothed, the bigbottomed, the cellulite packing paciderms, the dumbo-eared misfits, THEY WILL someday realize that were it NOT for Rich, and Fauna, they would NOT know how poorly they fit in the world that surrounds and daily chuckles at them.

No, I just don't see the whole clique thing clicking. Too much chance of the masses rising and taking things into their own paws, as it were. Best to leave things as they are, rumored and debated but NEVER openly acknowledged. It's safer for our Glorious Leader that way.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.....
Old 05-12-2005, 01:52 AM   #9
Rebel Dragons
It might be more trouble than it is worth. But hey, I'm up for a little fun. Then again I personally would not be the one living in hell if it does end up in total anarchy.

Glad the decision is not mine.

It was just a suggestion.
Old 05-12-2005, 02:07 AM   #10
Naw, I've never been much interested in being a member of a secret society or such. What I have in mind is a more openly, IN YOUR FACE kind of a clique.


That sort of thing. And a member of such a clique has a unique identifiable *something* that makes him or her just stand out and able to stand up and be recognized. I'm not talking about online, I'm talking about out in public, at herp shows, herp club meetings, and whatever. The SIGN that says it loud and clear,

I'm on the INSIDE.

I'm working on this....

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