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Old 09-26-2006, 10:18 PM   #1
Got it. An DANG!

I got the Thermostat at Pet Co for 40.00. Can we say ridiculously expensive. It has room for two or whatever but I can't use it for both because Jakers and Gex are different temps. I had major shopping spree today. I know I will need more of these in the near future to and HATE the pricing! I read somewhere on here awhile ago and didn't save it about making your own Rheostat for 10.00 from things from Wal-Mart. Now I am VERY curious about if I can make my own Thermostat. Do you guys know of any such thing?? I also have questions about heat tape. How do you use it and can you use it on rubbermaid containers??? Well...why see is because I was a VERY BAD girl today! I bought a 28 qt. rubbermaid container and bought a Ball Python to stick in it!!!!!!!!!!! I have wanted one hard core for over a year now. I bought the rubbermaid because I know tons of people on here keep there Reptiles in them, but how they heat them is what I want to know?? An no its just the container, no rack system. Thank You!
Old 09-26-2006, 10:30 PM   #2
I'm assuming you are talking about Flexwatt "heat tape"? That is very often used under Rubbermaid tubs, but again, MUST be used with a thermostat. You need to get this Ball Python set up with heat immediately, they are NOT as forgiving as corns, and require a higher temp than corns, or you are going to be looking at a sick snake in a short period of time. Look on mgreptiles website, I believe he has some instructions on there for heating a single tub with Flexwatt. I wouldn't try to fiddle with making your own thermostat, it's just too much to risk.

Please, Kristin, next time don't buy the animal until you already have everything set up and waiting for them.
Old 09-26-2006, 10:57 PM   #3
Originally Posted by Leighanne
I got the Thermostat at Pet Co for 40.00. Can we say ridiculously expensive. It has room for two or whatever but I can't use it for both because Jakers and Gex are different temps. I had major shopping spree today. I know I will need more of these in the near future to and HATE the pricing! I read somewhere on here awhile ago and didn't save it about making your own Rheostat for 10.00 from things from Wal-Mart. Now I am VERY curious about if I can make my own Thermostat. Do you guys know of any such thing?? I also have questions about heat tape. How do you use it and can you use it on rubbermaid containers??? Well...why see is because I was a VERY BAD girl today! I bought a 28 qt. rubbermaid container and bought a Ball Python to stick in it!!!!!!!!!!! I have wanted one hard core for over a year now. I bought the rubbermaid because I know tons of people on here keep there Reptiles in them, but how they heat them is what I want to know?? An no its just the container, no rack system. Thank You!

Please sell your animal.
Old 09-27-2006, 12:08 AM   #4
Christopher, please be a little more considerdate of others feelings & do not be rude to enthusiastic members of this forum. She is new & full of questions, their is nothing wrong with that.

Kristen, I have never attempted to make my own Rheostat, but do have the supplies to do it. If you have a relative or friend who is comfortable with wiring, I would recommend handing the directions & supplies over to them. I have never heard of anyone making their own Thermostat, but I'm sure a licensed Electrician could probably figure out an inexpensive way to make one.

I had thought that Matt ( had on his site single pieces of 11" Flexwatt already wired for sale, but it might have been somewhere else. If you contacted him, he might be nice enough to wire it for you for a small fee. Here is a good FAQ off of Matt's site about Flexwatt:

Kristen, I do have to agree with Cathy that you should make sure to have the enclosure setup before you buy. Especially with more sensitive reptiles.
Old 09-27-2006, 12:33 AM   #5
Ok, Thanks, but I'm not going anywhere. Say anything and everything rude you can. I am a sensitive person, my feelings get hurt easily but only if I let them. For your sake. Yup it was an impulse buy and yup I'm selfish and ignorant. Do you want me to take a test or something? At the same time I haven't tried feeding my Corn Snake a staple diet of crickets for months. I HAVE done HOURS of research on EVERY Reptile owned. Gex isn't skinny and lethargic, hes actually quit nice and fat I just don't have money for a camera to prove it. I promise on my Grandmothers spirit its the last animal for this winter. Wait I'm lying! After Reptiles are set up its another Tarantula. Jeff just LOVES his bugs. Half of these guys I didn't even want to buy but Jeff did, and hes quit rebellious. Oh yeah yes Cat I can promise that now because I have my prized sweetie now. An yeah I guess I could of expected some of these responses but I still posted it because I am big carring Mommy and will put up with whatever I have to to properly care for them, spend whatever I have to. Why would I want to sell any of my babies. They would probably end up with somebody who actually DOESN'T care. You know just last week I read a post about a guy who didn't want his normal bp and sold it for a morph when he could of just given it a good home. I don't condone that but I don't make rude statements. I don't condone albinos either, but........... Forgive me for being poor. NO WAIT!! I'm rich!! I went to welfare today to try and get just food stamps for the winter but I was to rich yet lazy bums who don't even try do. I'm guessing the NEXT staement. WHY do you even own one Reptile if its that bad. JUst ask for a financial layout and I'll post it. There must be a lot of rich kids here or something. I am a cashier. I am not poor not rich, just in a loop without a car. I was planning on spending all of my money on the animals and getting them set up over the next month, meanwhile fixing my credit report. Then applying for a credit card because thats the only way to build credit these days. Then next income tax more updates on animals if needed, luxury items, paying off medical bills, and putting money back for the car. Hopefully having a good score by then so a dealership will mess with me. Smart comments..... Chris your MORE then welcome at my house! ANYBODY! I would put up with major lectures for info and insight. I got it maybe people should stop running their mouths and try and be nice bretheren and sell some of these pieces for cheap. I'm sure somebody here has heat pieces they don't need anymore. Thats kool though I can take care of them myself. I am Mommy. I don't even know why I am posting any of this to some people here who ARE mean when its the internet and no matter what I'm a bad Rep owner. I mean once you've made up your mind you've made it up. All I can say is you don't know me and your WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! I am little Miss responsible and I Cashier and Bag for a rich snobby small town that thinks I'm nothing for nothing wages putting up with some of the worst mental and verbal abuse EVER because I love my family. So I think I'll KEEP my family. Also, stop acting like somebody from PETA or some crazy animal organization. Lets play nice and be logical. Thank You!
Old 09-27-2006, 12:42 AM   #6
Sorry kid..I spoke out of turn.
Im glad your happy with your animals.
Im sure youll take good care of them.
Take care of yourself .

Old 09-27-2006, 08:36 AM   #7
Mary-Beth is KoRny
Originally Posted by Leighanne
Ok, Thanks, but I'm not going anywhere. Say anything and everything rude you can. I am a sensitive person, my feelings get hurt easily but only if I let them. For your sake. Yup it was an impulse buy and yup I'm selfish and ignorant. Do you want me to take a test or something? At the same time I haven't tried feeding my Corn Snake a staple diet of crickets for months. I HAVE done HOURS of research on EVERY Reptile owned. Gex isn't skinny and lethargic, hes actually quit nice and fat I just don't have money for a camera to prove it. I promise on my Grandmothers spirit its the last animal for this winter. Wait I'm lying! After Reptiles are set up its another Tarantula. Jeff just LOVES his bugs. Half of these guys I didn't even want to buy but Jeff did, and hes quit rebellious. Oh yeah yes Cat I can promise that now because I have my prized sweetie now. An yeah I guess I could of expected some of these responses but I still posted it because I am big carring Mommy and will put up with whatever I have to to properly care for them, spend whatever I have to. Why would I want to sell any of my babies. They would probably end up with somebody who actually DOESN'T care. You know just last week I read a post about a guy who didn't want his normal bp and sold it for a morph when he could of just given it a good home. I don't condone that but I don't make rude statements. I don't condone albinos either, but........... Forgive me for being poor. NO WAIT!! I'm rich!! I went to welfare today to try and get just food stamps for the winter but I was to rich yet lazy bums who don't even try do. I'm guessing the NEXT staement. WHY do you even own one Reptile if its that bad. JUst ask for a financial layout and I'll post it. There must be a lot of rich kids here or something. I am a cashier. I am not poor not rich, just in a loop without a car. I was planning on spending all of my money on the animals and getting them set up over the next month, meanwhile fixing my credit report. Then applying for a credit card because thats the only way to build credit these days. Then next income tax more updates on animals if needed, luxury items, paying off medical bills, and putting money back for the car. Hopefully having a good score by then so a dealership will mess with me. Smart comments..... Chris your MORE then welcome at my house! ANYBODY! I would put up with major lectures for info and insight. I got it maybe people should stop running their mouths and try and be nice bretheren and sell some of these pieces for cheap. I'm sure somebody here has heat pieces they don't need anymore. Thats kool though I can take care of them myself. I am Mommy. I don't even know why I am posting any of this to some people here who ARE mean when its the internet and no matter what I'm a bad Rep owner. I mean once you've made up your mind you've made it up. All I can say is you don't know me and your WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! I am little Miss responsible and I Cashier and Bag for a rich snobby small town that thinks I'm nothing for nothing wages putting up with some of the worst mental and verbal abuse EVER because I love my family. So I think I'll KEEP my family. Also, stop acting like somebody from PETA or some crazy animal organization. Lets play nice and be logical. Thank You!
I don't know what your financial situation has to do with anything.
Another thing I don't understand is...
If you've been dreaming about a BP "hardcore" for a year, why haven't you already researched their care?
Old 09-27-2006, 11:59 AM   #8
Originally Posted by Leighanne
I read somewhere on here awhile ago and didn't save it about making your own Rheostat for 10.00 from things from Wal-Mart. Now I am VERY curious about if I can make my own Thermostat. Do you guys know of any such thing??

Sometimes Ebay has some good deals on thermostats for reptiles.
I am a do it yourself type person, but the more I read about thermostats and heat products, and saw pictures of what can go wrong (you can fry your reptiles and start a fire in your home) I decided that there are some areas where it may be worth getting quality items instead of making your own, and thermostats in my opinion are one of those things.
BTW, I recommend browsing the classifieds and Ebay for good deals, I got some nice second hand Vision cages that way.

One more comment, and please take it the way I'm sending it: There are a lot of folks here that can be somewhat brusque at times, but that is a good thing because they are putting the critters first. And that's where they should be. Stick around and learn, there are very good people to learn from here.
Old 09-27-2006, 06:52 PM   #9
Oh, Mary-Beth your so Korny! Your right though, my fianances have nothing to do with nothing. I DID research. I haven't even posted the whole story but won't waste my time. Lickitys going back to Pet Co to die in their hands and not mine. So should poor people not be allowed to have animals?? The New Era of Industries had AMAZING Responses within Society don't you think? Thanks Guys.
Old 09-27-2006, 07:04 PM   #10
Kristin, no one said, "poor people shouldn't have animals", and no one said you were "poor". The whole point is that IF you had done the proper research, you would know that Ball Pythons require heat, humidity, and the proper setup to survive. Unless you had the financial means to provide all of this FROM THE DAY YOU PURCHASED it, you should not have purchased him. Spend that money on getting the animals you already have properly set up.....then spend more money when you have it to spare to get the Ball Python enclosure properly set up, and THEN buy the Ball Python. It's as simple as that....and some of us tend to get upset when an animal is not being propely taken care of simply because they made an "impulse buy" before actually being able to properly take care of them.

Trust me....I have had to spend some time waiting and saving for some of the animals I have, and am still waiting and saving for more that I would like to have. But I'm not going to risk their well-being by overextending myself and then not being able to fully provide for them.

Kristin, if you'd like, feel free to PM me, I'd really like to talk to you more about all of this, and offer you any help I can.

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