New member
Produced from Lavender Ghost (Pink Pearl) x quad het ghost, lavender, corwin hypo and hypermel.
2.0 Pink Pearl (Lavender x Ghost combo) $500 shipped each
Include a ghost het lavender female for $300
A het lavender and ghost female for $100
Also have 1 het pair left from the 2022 season. Same parents. So the pair is het lavender and ghost, possible het corwin hypo and hypermel.
Eating ft pinkies.
250 shipped for the het pair. So much potential with these.
Paypal is extra
[email protected]
412-297-1028 call/text
2.0 Pink Pearl (Lavender x Ghost combo) $500 shipped each
Include a ghost het lavender female for $300
A het lavender and ghost female for $100
Also have 1 het pair left from the 2022 season. Same parents. So the pair is het lavender and ghost, possible het corwin hypo and hypermel.
Eating ft pinkies.
250 shipped for the het pair. So much potential with these.
Paypal is extra
[email protected]
412-297-1028 call/text
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