Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between a juvenile black milk (which still has the typical tri color pattern), and the several other species of milks that (to me) look just about the same? Thanks, Ritchie
Thanks Jeff, that info. helps. If the scalation is within those ranges, does that rule out all except gaigae? Also, do you know a technique for getting those little guys to hold still while you count those tiny scales? I've tried to relax them with music, but they only like The Ramones, and won't hold still. Thanks again, Ritchie
Yes, for the most part, you will be able to rule out other species by following the scalation count.
You can cool the snake down to get an accurate count, or take a close up photo of the face to count the labial scales.
Also, a bit of Sangria has been known to help. ;0)
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