Chat Log - Alfredo from Xtreme Reptiles


I sweat coffee.
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
We got to chat a little with Alfredo. Unfotunately, we had to cut things a little short due to his having family obligations.

Thu Jul 03 19:46:19 PDT 2003

RealChat Server Version 2.1.6, Enterprise Edition
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MR_Jungle_Mist: Ok.....we'll get started.....
MR_Jungle_Mist: Alfredo, thanks for coming by to talk with us a little bit.
xtremereptiles: my pleasure
MR_Jungle_Mist: I'm sure more and more ppl will wander in as the time goes on.
MR_Jungle_Mist: If no one is familiar with Alfredo/Extreme Reptiles, you can go to
MR_Jungle_Mist: Alfredo, if you could just start out a little by telling us a little about Extreme Reptiles, what you do..etc?
xtremereptiles: at xtreme reptiles we primarily sell reptiles to pet stores
xtremereptiles: we also have a website(slightly outdated) for the public to enjoy
ms_terese: So you're wholesale......mostly imports or cb?
xtremereptiles: i would say its 50/50 import cb
MR_Jungle_Mist: Trenton, now is the time for your question if you have one.
Trenton: thank you
Trenton: Xtremereptiles how do you supply such low prices how do you obtain animals that you are able to sell for resonable prices unlike most distriuters
xtremereptiles: to give you an idea as to where some dealers will buy 20-30 colombian boas we buy 200-300 at 1 time
xtremereptiles: freight percentage is lower as well as brooker fees
MR_Jungle_Mist: How do you, as an importer, treat animals you get in from other countries if at all?
xtremereptiles: it depends on the animals, all are different
xtremereptiles: we do not shotgun treat for intertnal parasites as some do
xtremereptiles: it does more harm than good sometimes
Guest: are there any species you will not import?
xtremereptiles: we import most stuff , there are items we stay away from due to high mortality rates
WaxWormFan: XtremeReptiles, are any of the cb animals you offer for sale bred in house?
Hlynn1975: X - do you have a vet check your animals or do you rely on your experience to decide if you are going to treat them?
xtremereptiles: unfornately most vets know less than i do on herps
xtremereptiles: they call us sometimes for help
Kat: What species do you consider your speciality?
xtremereptiles: we specialize in retics
xtremereptiles: but do have a few odds and ends we are working on
ms_terese: Extreme, I know that lots of hobbyists will see your low prices, and think it's better to buy one animal from you instead of retail, but what are some of the things that individuals have to take into consideration before choosing a single pet from a wholesaler?
xtremereptiles: you usually are not seeing what you buy
xtremereptiles: so its more risk+ u have to pay for shipping
Trenton: xtremereptiles do you hire people to help to take care of your massive amount of reptiles and if yes how does one obtain a position
xtremereptiles: we have 3 employees in the warehouse
xtremereptiles: 2 in the office + me
xtremereptiles: we are rarely open for positions
Em: x, are you at any shows?
xtremereptiles: we do the daytona show,tampa show, the new FIRE show and ocasionally the ones in raleigh
WaxWormFan: What advice do you have for someone that's looking to make a living selling reptiles?
Trenton: Umm... Xtreme Reptiles do you have any words of advice to people wanting to start in the line of work you are currently in?
xtremereptiles: Go to
xtremereptiles: this busines is very tough
xtremereptiles: there is always a new guy selling less quality for les money
Kat: Do you work with ball pythons? If so,where do you get them from?
xtremereptiles: we get ball pyhtons from 4 different farms in africa

{Alfredo had to take a short break at this point}

Guest: farms?
ms_terese: Lots of BP farms in Africa, Guest
MR_Jungle_Mist: farms are places in other countries where they collect wild females and let them lay eggs.
Trenton: the weather is perfect for BP in africa
MR_Jungle_Mist: Others keep adults, breed them in outdoor/indoor enclosures and harvest the eggs.
WaxWormFan: who would have thought the weather would be perfect for an animal in its native lands. hmm. lol
MR_Jungle_Mist: Anyone here ever order anything from Xtreme?
MR_Jungle_Mist: I know you did, shane, right?
ksshane: yep
ksshane: anery boa
ksshane: columbian
MR_Jungle_Mist: How'd the snake end up looking?
ksshane: sweet.. i was real happy with it

ms_terese: how long has Extreme been in business, and how did you get started?
xtremereptiles: officially been in business sinnce 95
xtremereptiles: but have been breeding,collecting,buying and selling since i was 10
ksshane: You said before that you wholesale to petstores, and you have a website for the general public. Do you allow the general public to stop by and make purchases?
xtremereptiles: we do not allow vistors ...we are a warehouse and animals are not easily viewd in the enclosures
Trenton: Xtreme Reptiles is there a discount when you buy more then 1 reptile
xtremereptiles: of course, the more you buy the price goes down to some extent
ms_terese: Do you ever go to countries of origin and select your own animals?
xtremereptiles: it dont really work that way...cities paper work takes time and traviling will increase the cost and i will not be able to compete
ms_terese: How do you find reliable, quality exporters in so many different areas?
xtremereptiles: unfortunately its trial and error... or word of mouth...after some time you hear who is good
Trenton: do you sell breeding pairs of reptiles
xtremereptiles: when they are availiable of course
MR_Jungle_Mist: Do you yourself keep pet reptiles / exotics, or do you have enough of them at work?
xtremereptiles: after a while you learn to keep only what you truly enjoy for me its retics
DaveyFig: Alfredo, if you dont have a particular boa that someone is looking for, would you take time to pic through imports to find that "special boa" for a customer?
xtremereptiles: we have 25 ind pictured boas on our site..we also look for something in particular if the customer asks
DaveyFig: ok, i will email you later then
Trenton: What is your incubator situation and how many incubators do you currently have
xtremereptiles: we have 6 old refigerators retrofited as incubators
MR_Jungle_Mist: Do you keep your refrigerators all seperated by what is in them/when things will hatch?
xtremereptiles: of coures cause each incubator has different temps and humidity
Kat: What is your opinion on hybrids?
xtremereptiles: they are nature hybrids can occur
Trenton: i like reptiles that show affection and enjoy being pet and handled what reptile do you recommend?
xtremereptiles: if you want an affectionate reptile try a bearded dragon
Trenton: tried that...
Trenton: they dont work

This chat log has been edited to make more sense. If you would like an unedited version of the chat log, please email me at [email protected]