Wanted Feeder Crickets, Roaches, Worms BULK


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
bellingham, wa USA
We are looking to buy bulk CRICKETS, ROACHES & WORMS..
we have 5 toads and are looking for a good deal because we spend a lot on feeder food & want a constant, dependable supplier; at least until we start breeding our own. If you are a breeder or if you know a good supplier of any of the above feeders, anything helps! Or if you have tips on getting started breeding your own that would be wonderful too! =)
We are looking to buy bulk CRICKETS, ROACHES & WORMS..
we have 5 toads and are looking for a good deal because we spend a lot on feeder food & want a constant, dependable supplier; at least until we start breeding our own. If you are a breeder or if you know a good supplier of any of the above feeders, anything helps! Or if you have tips on getting started breeding your own that would be wonderful too! =)


Since you are looking for a dependable supplier before you consider purchasing from Elvis you may want to check out this BOI thread:


Also, before you consider purchasing from anyone you should search the BOI first.

If you have any questions about breeding any of the feeders you need feel free to private message me and I would gladly help you out and can recommend a dependable supplier. I have been dealing with and breeding a variety of feeder insects for well over 20 years.
Check the BOI Thread. DAND is the only Unsatisfied non-customer. my offer for 1000 mealworms for $5 still stands
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I have been picking crickets up at local shows as needed


before I used www.expresscrickets.com

their prices include overnight shipping which is super nice.

mealworms...I would second the idea of reading the BOI post in full. It speaks for itself.

roaches, depeding on what you want and what species shoot me a pm.
Thanks for your help. expresscrickets.com is a great site! I think I will give them a try. I am not exactly sure what kind of roaches I am looking for. I was thinking Dubia because that's what the people I got them from fed them. If there are any species that you would recommend that would be helpful too. Also, I checked out the BOI and will consider it for future bug needs. Thanks everyone for your help, it is much appreciated!