Misuse of power...


Reptile Hobbyist
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score
Somehow nephrurus and E2MacPets gained admin-type powers in the chat room and were abusing them, booting people and freezing them at will. It was highly annoying and altogether unpleasant. Would it be too much to ask that you keep a tighter reign over who winds up with powers in the chatroom and that they be limited to appropriate usage?

-Kat Hall
Unfortunately, it seems that timing was of the essence here. From what I gather, the entire incident last about 5 minutes, and apologies were issued. I believe Kat was an unwilling participant in something that wasn't intended for her.

However, I take responsibility. I'm sorry if anyone was offended, and I believe the situation is resolved.
I was there

I was there. The two parties mentioned were goofing with each other for what I believe was approximately 3 minutes (No, I did not time it but I doubt it was an entire 5 min) Kat was unintentionally involved. I apologized to her and explained that she was un-intentionally involved in a bit of goofing between friends. I know both parties also apologized but she had them on "Ignore" at that moment so I told her they apologized. Apparently apologies were not acceptable.

If there is anyway to obtain a transcript of the chat perhaps that will clear this all up as what it was. A little bit of goofing that was promptly apologized for, not an intentional malicious act as Kat seems to think.
I feel horrible about what happened and I would like to apologize.

The chatroom was entirely filled with regulars tonight, and Jungle decided to make us all temporary moderators as a joke. In the process of us goofing around Kat came into the room and was accidentally booted, frozen, etc a few times before we caught on to what was happening and calmed down a bit. In fact Kat did not know she was booted until we admitted it and told her who did it.

She responded by putting us on ignore, including Cheryl who tried to explain for us, and then coming here and posting.

As I said, I feel horrible about what happened, and until I saw this post did not know that Kat's feelings were hurt. But at the same time, I do not like seeing my name connected with "abuse of power" for what was simply a few friends goofing around with eachother. I do not like that what happened in a few minutes time among friends is now a permanent outcry because someone would not even listen to an apology let alone accept it.

It was a misunderstanding about something that was supposed to just be all in good fun. I wish there was no blame being placed anywhere and we could all agree to move on?
I am aware that they were goofing off, Cheryl, however I do not appreciate being the target of goofing off, especially by people I don't know. If I believed I was the target of malicious intent, I would have worded my post quite a bit differently. It was an abuse of admin power, pure and simple, which is what my post was in reguards to.

-Kat Hall
How about if we just reduce the amount of "goofing off" on the chat board altogether? If someone needs to do some minor testing, find a willing participant and go to one of the other rooms where another user won't be a victim of collateral damage.

I would really like this to be the last time I hear about this sort of thing going on in there.

I feel bad for kats "feelings" getting hurt but, seriously how many of the regulars in the chat room actually "know"(kat's definition of "know" is having actually met the person) each other. I have only actually met 1 person on the chat of the 50 or so that i talk to on a regular basis.

We have this same proble over on the BC forum all the time, Its hard to convey a message properly through a forum or a chat room.

This post was made less than 5 minutes after the inccident took place, and i am still of the opinion that E2 and Myself meerly pushed kat over the edge that she was already standing on.