I have a trio of Koi Swordtails and a male and a female might be infected with a fungus. The female has a white patch on her side, kind of peeling and sort of fuzzy, and the male has white almost covering his lips. They didn't have it yesterday and the other female has no signs. Everything was fine until I got feeder fish, comets, for my African Clawed Frogand Bichir.
Usually I feed Fatass, the frog's name, flakes, bloodworms frozen and freeze dried, and shrimp. Fatass and Metal Snake recently taken to eating the swordtails so I bought the feeder fish. Fatass and Metal Snake ate 6 of the 9 swordtails I had including about half the fry one of the swordtails had. I thought getting feeder fish would keep the swordtails safe. I also have 2 puffers, 8 ball my figure 8, and Spot my spotted. They don't show any signs of being sick or infected. My pictus cat Peanut Butter is fine along with White Snake my rope fish, Chan my dragon goby, and Lollipop my pleco. I also have 2 smaller African Clawed Frogs, Lucky and Red, and they also appear fine and they don't go after the fish. I have a planted 55 gallon aquarium with 2 med-large pieces of driftwood. I have a over the tank filter rated and running for a tank the size of 75 gallons. I had live snails in there except the puffers ate them all. I also have Ghost shrimp that have survived being fed out, about 2 dozen. I also have about 25 + lbs of rocks to create hiding places for Chan, Metal Snake, and White Snake. There are still about half a dozen swordtail fry swimming about and growing.
Only those 2 fish seem to have a problem. They are currently spending most if not all of their time within 3 inches of the surface swimming around. I can't be sure if 8 Ball or Spot didn't bite either fish because the white patch is rather oval like I have seen when Spot bit 8 Ball. All the feeder fish seem fine and they were added in the last week. I can post a pic as soon as my batteries try. I was about to do a water change and vacuum the gravel today which is how I noticed the white patches.
I have no problem removing my frogs to treat the tank but I just don't know what to treat it with since I am not sure what is wrong the fish. I don't want to put added stress on the fish if they are sick by using the wrong meds.
Thank you in advance!
Usually I feed Fatass, the frog's name, flakes, bloodworms frozen and freeze dried, and shrimp. Fatass and Metal Snake recently taken to eating the swordtails so I bought the feeder fish. Fatass and Metal Snake ate 6 of the 9 swordtails I had including about half the fry one of the swordtails had. I thought getting feeder fish would keep the swordtails safe. I also have 2 puffers, 8 ball my figure 8, and Spot my spotted. They don't show any signs of being sick or infected. My pictus cat Peanut Butter is fine along with White Snake my rope fish, Chan my dragon goby, and Lollipop my pleco. I also have 2 smaller African Clawed Frogs, Lucky and Red, and they also appear fine and they don't go after the fish. I have a planted 55 gallon aquarium with 2 med-large pieces of driftwood. I have a over the tank filter rated and running for a tank the size of 75 gallons. I had live snails in there except the puffers ate them all. I also have Ghost shrimp that have survived being fed out, about 2 dozen. I also have about 25 + lbs of rocks to create hiding places for Chan, Metal Snake, and White Snake. There are still about half a dozen swordtail fry swimming about and growing.
Only those 2 fish seem to have a problem. They are currently spending most if not all of their time within 3 inches of the surface swimming around. I can't be sure if 8 Ball or Spot didn't bite either fish because the white patch is rather oval like I have seen when Spot bit 8 Ball. All the feeder fish seem fine and they were added in the last week. I can post a pic as soon as my batteries try. I was about to do a water change and vacuum the gravel today which is how I noticed the white patches.
I have no problem removing my frogs to treat the tank but I just don't know what to treat it with since I am not sure what is wrong the fish. I don't want to put added stress on the fish if they are sick by using the wrong meds.
Thank you in advance!