starting up the 06 season early

Manhattan Herps

PROUD Christian
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
welp, this girl was ovulating today, so i decided to start the season early :D

cant wait to see what this pair throws






fantastic Dan! good to see someone else starting early lol

those should kick out some amazing babies. let me know if you end up with some nice ch females mid-06 :)

we've already started cooking nearly 30 eggs thusfar..... im sure by next season the two weeks or so "down time" between seasons will be non-existant. so long vacation time *pulls hair out*
thanks kelli, he is probably my nicest male albino, hopefully a few babies will turn out like him

chris, 30 eggs already? damn...i dont think "vacation" is in the gecko breeding dictionary, lol
Manhattan Herps said:
thanks kelli, he is probably my nicest male albino, hopefully a few babies will turn out like him

chris, 30 eggs already? damn...i dont think "vacation" is in the gecko breeding dictionary, lol

yeah, last year we had a few girls go early and it seems now they want to follow the same trend. they were purchased last season from a breeder who had already had them in with males.

I guess they were "expecting" to see thier males early this season too, sometimes you just gotta give those girls what they want. *shrug*
okay, well, uh, you can definitly tell from the second pick that the male is happy about the idea.:) Is it just me though, or does the females look the same in every pic? She doesn't look so thrilled about the situation.
Wow, you guys start pretty early! I don't breed mine until December at the earliest. This year's not any different either, especially since I may be moving soon. Nothing's worse than traveling with eggs in the car!

I also got a few new breeders this year, and I want them to get a bit bigger before I try to breed them. I can't wait to see the offspring of my new group!
PoohBear03031 said:
okay, well, uh, you can definitly tell from the second pick that the male is happy about the idea.:) Is it just me though, or does the females look the same in every pic? She doesn't look so thrilled about the situation.

well, how would you feel if you where being bitten everywhere during intercourse? LOL
was that a new dance they were doing. Funny looking dance. Maybe they shoould call it the piggy back dance.
Manhattan Herps said:
well, how would you feel if you where being bitten everywhere during intercourse? LOL

No comment. :bolt01: Seriously though, that is why I am afraid to breed my geckos. I very highly doubt Spaz, Boo, and Popeye (yes she's a girl) Would put up with being bitten. I am afraid for my males lives. Mongo is the only girl I would trust not to tear my males apart. Have you ever had that happen?
I have a female leo that thinks she is an Iggy. She tail whips the males right in the face whenever they do the cute licking and nibbling thing! Then they just stand there with a "oh my god" look on their face and go and sulk in the corner! XD

I don't think i'll EVER get eggs from her! :rofl:
PoohBear03031 said:
No comment. :bolt01: Seriously though, that is why I am afraid to breed my geckos. I very highly doubt Spaz, Boo, and Popeye (yes she's a girl) Would put up with being bitten. I am afraid for my males lives. Mongo is the only girl I would trust not to tear my males apart. Have you ever had that happen?

haha, if the females are ready, they wont mind the nibbling

desire', i had that problem with one of my normals "trinity" everytime i put my male "harley" in she would beat him up and he would go sulk in the corner and noot eat for a week...well..turns out she wanted a more confident male. haha, i put my very agressive male "marrick" (who is now for sale) with her an he got the deed done in less than 4 mins, haha
lol , gotta love that gecko porn! I'm scared for 2 of my females i pair up with my male patty. his whole life so far well since i had him. probably about 6 months. hes been by him self. about 2 months ago i put my female blizzard next to him in a tank and he went nuts! waggin tail tip. pacing back and forth. and actually licking lips. lol she just turned around and walked away. lol i guess i don't want him getting to carried away with them when they meet.. also im gonna start late. letting some get up to weight and size for the season. gonna start putting together in january or febuary..