Since formatting has shifted and my free time has become even more scarce, I will just make an availability list and serious people can email me about what is on the list if they are ready to pay. I do sometimes have other animals related to my projects that I do not take the time to list, so you can always reach out and ask if curious about something specific. I am not selling the holdbacks I show off on social media, however, the CB animals I provide are related to those holdbacks in many instances.
Contact/discussion will occur exclusively via email.
---> [email protected] <---
CB subadult male Forsten's tortoise (forstenii) -
$1500 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$1125 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
~6.5" scl and really nice; better to invest in this than to set your money ablaze on a WC one
Burmese black tortoises (phayrei) - probable females
$1875 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle (each)
~8" scl and 2 are available
2024 100% het ivory sulcata tortoises -
$275 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$250 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I can do deals on multiples. Tell me how many you want/need and I will figure out the pricing based on the number of animals.
Adult male ivory sulcata (22" scl, has a scar on his face, and is the sire to my paradox line) -
$4300 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$4000 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
OBRO. Not gentle at all, but extremely virile. If you need a get-it-done male to start making your own hets or hets and ivories, this bruiser is your guy. Not so much a handsome fellow, but the very essence of an effective breeder.
2024 pancake tortoises (tornieri) - scratch and dent
$575 for 1 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$500 for 1 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I can do reasonable discounts for multiples and some sort of extra nice combo deal for 4 to 6 animals together. Scratch and dent in this case refers to them having split scutes, nipped claws, or other mild cosmetic defects.
My current-year tornieri are the size of other sources' yearlings (or even larger in some cases).
2024 Guatemalan red-cheek mud turtles (cruentatum) -
$225 with shipping included for 1 and some kind of combo deal can be done for 4 together
Mine look nice to nicer than nice. If your goal is drab (and cheap), look elsewhere and you can find that. These are now large juveniles. One has an extra vertebral scute. I am holding some of these back for myself, too.
2024 Brazilian cherryheads (varying colors and attributes) -
$375 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$350 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I could do reasonable discounts on multiples.
2024 Brazilian cherryhead (50% het for hypo; 100% het hypo sires and wild type dams) -
$500 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$480 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I do not currently produce these in significant volume. The females that laid the eggs that hatched these are already sold. 1 left available. It has an atavistic nuchal scute and a higher dome. Classic red tone for the colored scales.
2024 100% het for albino Reeve's turtles (reevesii) -
$600 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$575 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
These mature quickly. I will not produce 100% hets in 2025 (and maybe 2026) since I expect to do het to het breeding next year. That will result in albinos and 67% hets instead of 100% hets. I can do discounted combo deals on multiples.
Wholesale 2024 100% het for albino Reeve's turtles (reevesii) -
$2125 shipped for 5 100% hets
$3600 shipped for 10 100% hets
Wholesale deals are done via Zelle or in cash.
Adult female Reeve's turtle (reevesii) -
$1000 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$925 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I will include one 2024 100% het albino hatchling with this female. This female is the one we bred to our albino to make our hets and she will retain his sperm for at least another season if not placed with a new male beyond the albino sire of our hets. Maybe even two seasons. It is a decent opportunity for someone to be able to produce his/her own 100% hets in the 2025 season for less than the price of 2 100% hets.
2024 Dorbigny's sliders (dorbigni) -
$175 shipped for 1 if paid for via CashApp or Square
$650 shipped for 7
Zelle would get a mild additional discount. Some of these have split scutes. My 2024s are larger than yearling size.
Slider morph group deal: 3 2023 caramel sliders, 4 2024 caramel 67% het charcoal sliders, and 4 2024 charcoal 67% het caramel sliders (11 morph sliders in total) - $575 shipped (this deal would be between you and my project partner Shaun Roberson)
Contact/discussion will occur exclusively via email.
---> [email protected] <---
CB subadult male Forsten's tortoise (forstenii) -
$1500 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$1125 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
~6.5" scl and really nice; better to invest in this than to set your money ablaze on a WC one
Burmese black tortoises (phayrei) - probable females
$1875 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle (each)
~8" scl and 2 are available
2024 100% het ivory sulcata tortoises -
$275 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$250 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I can do deals on multiples. Tell me how many you want/need and I will figure out the pricing based on the number of animals.
Adult male ivory sulcata (22" scl, has a scar on his face, and is the sire to my paradox line) -
$4300 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$4000 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
OBRO. Not gentle at all, but extremely virile. If you need a get-it-done male to start making your own hets or hets and ivories, this bruiser is your guy. Not so much a handsome fellow, but the very essence of an effective breeder.
2024 pancake tortoises (tornieri) - scratch and dent
$575 for 1 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$500 for 1 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I can do reasonable discounts for multiples and some sort of extra nice combo deal for 4 to 6 animals together. Scratch and dent in this case refers to them having split scutes, nipped claws, or other mild cosmetic defects.
My current-year tornieri are the size of other sources' yearlings (or even larger in some cases).
2024 Guatemalan red-cheek mud turtles (cruentatum) -
$225 with shipping included for 1 and some kind of combo deal can be done for 4 together
Mine look nice to nicer than nice. If your goal is drab (and cheap), look elsewhere and you can find that. These are now large juveniles. One has an extra vertebral scute. I am holding some of these back for myself, too.
2024 Brazilian cherryheads (varying colors and attributes) -
$375 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$350 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I could do reasonable discounts on multiples.
2024 Brazilian cherryhead (50% het for hypo; 100% het hypo sires and wild type dams) -
$500 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$480 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I do not currently produce these in significant volume. The females that laid the eggs that hatched these are already sold. 1 left available. It has an atavistic nuchal scute and a higher dome. Classic red tone for the colored scales.
2024 100% het for albino Reeve's turtles (reevesii) -
$600 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$575 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
These mature quickly. I will not produce 100% hets in 2025 (and maybe 2026) since I expect to do het to het breeding next year. That will result in albinos and 67% hets instead of 100% hets. I can do discounted combo deals on multiples.
Wholesale 2024 100% het for albino Reeve's turtles (reevesii) -
$2125 shipped for 5 100% hets
$3600 shipped for 10 100% hets
Wholesale deals are done via Zelle or in cash.
Adult female Reeve's turtle (reevesii) -
$1000 with shipping included if paid for via CashApp or Square
$925 with shipping included if paid for via Zelle
I will include one 2024 100% het albino hatchling with this female. This female is the one we bred to our albino to make our hets and she will retain his sperm for at least another season if not placed with a new male beyond the albino sire of our hets. Maybe even two seasons. It is a decent opportunity for someone to be able to produce his/her own 100% hets in the 2025 season for less than the price of 2 100% hets.
2024 Dorbigny's sliders (dorbigni) -
$175 shipped for 1 if paid for via CashApp or Square
$650 shipped for 7
Zelle would get a mild additional discount. Some of these have split scutes. My 2024s are larger than yearling size.
Slider morph group deal: 3 2023 caramel sliders, 4 2024 caramel 67% het charcoal sliders, and 4 2024 charcoal 67% het caramel sliders (11 morph sliders in total) - $575 shipped (this deal would be between you and my project partner Shaun Roberson)
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