RIP, Prism :(


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Feb 10, 2004
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Cromwell CT
Prism, my 3 year old male Brazilian Rainbow Boa, died on Wednesday morning, 8/24/2005, sometime around 7:30 AM. On Sunday, 8/21/2005 I went out and purchased a large frozen rat for him from All Pets Club in Wallingford, CT. It was the first time I'd ever gotten food from them - and I got three other rats for my other snakes. I've been keeping an eye on them, and they are all ok, active and healthy.

He ate the rat with gusto, and it was 3/4 of the way down his digestive tract by Monday. Sometime on monday night I noticed a rancid smell in that room, and I thought it was just the containers that I fed my snakes in, so I cleaned them out and put on the ionic breeze, hoping that would clear out the remaining smell.

On tuesday, when I got home from work, the smell had gotten worse. It was permiating the entire third floor, and drifting down to the second. I finally found the cause. Prism had regurgitated that rat - the same one that was 3/4 of the way down - well beyond his stomach.

I disposed of the rat and checked on him - he was EXTREMELY weak, could barely raise his head, he was very listless, and when I picked up his tail gently and let it go, it just flopped back down to the ground. I freaked out and RUSHED him to the vet, and they kept him in intensive care overnight, giving him fluids, etc. The next morning, they were about to get him out to start his treatments, but, alas, he was gone.

:( I called them early yesterday, and as soon as I heard the vet's tone of voice, I just KNEW. I cried most of the day, and I still break down into tears when I think about it.

I called the vet back yesterday, and I asked them to cremate him. I also purchased the little rock urn from with a nice little quote on it, his name, the year he was born, and the year he died.

Today, I have to go to the vet office to sign a release form so that they can have him cremated.

I'm SO devastated. I’ve been beating myself up, thinking what if I had done this, or what if I had done that, but the Vet was convinced that it was a blockage in his digestive tract, so I know there’s nothing I could’ve done about it.


RIP, Prism.
Prism was a beautiful animal. You have my deepest sympathies.

My very first boa, Jasmine, passed away this year - I know exactly what you're feeling. Take comfort in the fact that he was loved while he was here, as he will be, now that he is gone.

Goodbye Prism...
Thank you. I am toying with the idea of getting another one, but I may not. There's a neighbor in the area who is trying to get rid of a nice redtail boa. If it's docile I will rescue it instead of getting another rainbow.
Maurynna, I'm so sorry for your loss *hugs*, Prism was indeed a very beautiful snake. It hurts alot when you lose something dear to you...I would know, I've lost many loved pets in my life. =(

I hope your other snakes will be might want to take them to the vet to get them checked out ahead of time. However, I wish you the best of luck with them.

BTW, I think it would be good for you to get another snake... ^-^

*Hugs again* I'm so sorry...Rest in Peace Prism <3
Prism was beautiful. He sounds like he brought a lot of joy to your life.

I know you can never "replace" him in your heart, but getting another animal, either another BRB or a BCI, can help fill the void.

Look around, there are always folks that have something you may be interested in.
Wow..I am so sorry for your loss. You did all you could and sometimes these things just happen. Its always tough to lose a pet; dog, cat, snake or otherwise.

I had 6 out of 7 die that way. the 7th din"t eat that day.. the pet store i always go to was closed that day. so i went to some where else.the vet siad it could have been lab mice the other pet store sold me.. soory about your lost....nicky
Thank you everyone.

After checking around with a few sources, I realized it could have been the Rat. I find it very suspicious that the first time I ever buy feeder rats from this place, one of my snakes dies. Maybe it wasn't even a blockage - who knows. I never will because I was so distraught I didn't think to have them do an autopsy before they sent him out to be cremated.

I told them about it, and they pretty much brushed it off. I won't ever be buying any feeders from All Pets Club in Wallingford, CT ever again. It's rodent pro from now on.

As for the Red-Tail, I don't have him yet. I went to talk to the neighbor who knows his owner. It turns out that the guy has 2 nephews, one is 7, the other is 9. They want the snake because they think it's "cool". The owner knows they won't take care of it properly, but to keep feathers unruffled, he's allowing them to keep it for 1 week, then he plans to take it away and give it to someone he knows will take good care of it. That being me.

I hope he is able to get it away from them without too much hassle.
Amy, wow what a loss, my deepest sympathies. I have had issues with bad rodents before and lost a very healthy snake because of it, so I am not surprised if that was cause of losing your beautiful Prism. Good luck in getting the boa.

What would be wrong with the rat to cause the snake to die? That is a terrible story, I am so sorry. How long did you have Prism? (that's a great name for a BRB too)

I had him for 3 wonderful years. He was perfectly fine before I fed him - active and healthy...


Would regurgitating a rat dehydrate them? Or would dehydration be linked somehow to his death? The vet told me he was dehydrated...

His misting system was broken and I was ordering parts to repair it but I was hand misting him. It could be that wasn't enough water.
Maurynna said:
I had him for 3 wonderful years. He was perfectly fine before I fed him - active and healthy...


Would regurgitating a rat dehydrate them? Or would dehydration be linked somehow to his death? The vet told me he was dehydrated...

His misting system was broken and I was ordering parts to repair it but I was hand misting him. It could be that wasn't enough water.

Humidity is a key for BRBs. Dehydration could have definitely been caused by lack of humidity in the enclosure. Its hard to tell though because regurgitation is so tough on their systems. I have a chronic regurger that still isnt quite right. I think we finally have him on the right track though. Sorry again for your loss!
Not to reply to myself, but I felt the need to address that last question - what could be wrong with a rat.

The woman I talked to said she's heard of pet stores poisoning the rats to kill them, then freezing them and selling them as food.

It kills me not knowing - I can only speculate. And one cannot act on speculation alone.
jglass38 said:
Humidity is a key for BRBs. Dehydration could have definitely been caused by lack of humidity in the enclosure. Its hard to tell though because regurgitation is so tough on their systems. I have a chronic regurger that still isnt quite right. I think we finally have him on the right track though. Sorry again for your loss!

Yes - and the rat he regurged was 3/4 of the way down his digestive tract... that's a LONG way to come back up.

I'm convinced it was the rat, but I will never prove it. This sucks.
I have had a rat at least that far down that was regurged and he didnt show any ill effects. I would have to agree that there was something wrong with that rat. Unless the snake had an internal issue that you were not aware of. If it was a rat with even a trace of poison in it, that pet store should be shut down. Very hard to prove though unless you buy another and have it tested.
This is probably a stupid question, but did the rat REALLY stink to high heavens... I mean this one REEKED.

It was disgusting.
Absolutely horrible. Regurged rat is probably the worst thing i have ever smelled.
jglass38 said:
Absolutely horrible. Regurged rat is probably the worst thing i have ever smelled.
Oh good - that part was normal at least then. Well - I'll keep you up to date on the Redtail - I should be getting him/her this weekend.

I cleaned out Prism's cage completely with Quat Plus, and I was thinking of doing it again - this time with bleach, then rinsing it out thoroughly.
Please do...I think you will find the care requirements a bit more simple. They are more forgiving of heating/humidity changes. Good idea cleaning with bleach. Make sure any smell has dissapated before putting a new snake in there.

Good luck!