Adam Block
New member
Holly crap this is GREAT READING!
It's like this for me:
1) Hybrid, this has a negative effect on people in reptiles. It doesn't just effect the people wanting to do it.
2) Pure animals, these have no poor effect on any people in the reptile hobby.
My point is, people who make hybrids weather honest or not are effected by all people breeding them.
People breeding hybrids have RUNED the La Pines, albino great plains, albino bairds, albino alterna and countless other snakes for everybody who enjoyed them and the fact that they were amazing as pure animals (or with the alterna will never be able to have an honest albino).
Those puriest people have done nothing to effect you breeding hybrids. I'm not going to say it's our right to know our animals are pure but this comes down to just that. If what you're doing hadden't already had a VERY NEGITIVE EFFECT ON THE HOBBY there would be no need for this post.
Fact of the matter is that it has, it will in the future and if not you then by many other breeders that are not being as careful as they should be.
I will say that the hobby is all very unnatural, breeding snakes that is. About the best you could do to stay pure is find two snakes mating under a log in the wild and keep them to stay in line with nature. However if you were to breed the same snakes the following year it would be unnatural as I'm sure those two wouldn't have mated again.
Of course there are albinos, anery and hypos common in some wild populations so I'm not saying the gene pool is always so huge the above couldn't happen just that in nature odds would be low.
However, this is doing nothing to alter the animals in a negitive way. In many cases, like the Lampropeltis trangulum campbelli I would doubt more then 20 WC animals have been brought into the Country and we know there are far more then that now. So captive breeding can help an animal.
There is just little argument that hybrids haven't had a negative effect on people and their enjoyment of this hobby. <b>It's hard to respect people who, when in a minority can enjoy something that effects the majority so negatively.</b>
See, I respect the right to makes hybrids, you however don't respect our right to know we have pure animals. When I say you, remember I'm not saying it as in the people who started this thread but those who do it for greedy reasons.
I see hybrids like a virus, they act the same way. Nothing wrong with working with a virus provided you have a controled place to do it like the CDC, without someplace to do it that offers that control you find them spreading and blending into the reptile hobby until you find yourself in a place where you don't know what's what anymore.
It's like this for me:
1) Hybrid, this has a negative effect on people in reptiles. It doesn't just effect the people wanting to do it.
2) Pure animals, these have no poor effect on any people in the reptile hobby.
My point is, people who make hybrids weather honest or not are effected by all people breeding them.
People breeding hybrids have RUNED the La Pines, albino great plains, albino bairds, albino alterna and countless other snakes for everybody who enjoyed them and the fact that they were amazing as pure animals (or with the alterna will never be able to have an honest albino).
Those puriest people have done nothing to effect you breeding hybrids. I'm not going to say it's our right to know our animals are pure but this comes down to just that. If what you're doing hadden't already had a VERY NEGITIVE EFFECT ON THE HOBBY there would be no need for this post.
Fact of the matter is that it has, it will in the future and if not you then by many other breeders that are not being as careful as they should be.
I will say that the hobby is all very unnatural, breeding snakes that is. About the best you could do to stay pure is find two snakes mating under a log in the wild and keep them to stay in line with nature. However if you were to breed the same snakes the following year it would be unnatural as I'm sure those two wouldn't have mated again.
Of course there are albinos, anery and hypos common in some wild populations so I'm not saying the gene pool is always so huge the above couldn't happen just that in nature odds would be low.
However, this is doing nothing to alter the animals in a negitive way. In many cases, like the Lampropeltis trangulum campbelli I would doubt more then 20 WC animals have been brought into the Country and we know there are far more then that now. So captive breeding can help an animal.
There is just little argument that hybrids haven't had a negative effect on people and their enjoyment of this hobby. <b>It's hard to respect people who, when in a minority can enjoy something that effects the majority so negatively.</b>
See, I respect the right to makes hybrids, you however don't respect our right to know we have pure animals. When I say you, remember I'm not saying it as in the people who started this thread but those who do it for greedy reasons.
I see hybrids like a virus, they act the same way. Nothing wrong with working with a virus provided you have a controled place to do it like the CDC, without someplace to do it that offers that control you find them spreading and blending into the reptile hobby until you find yourself in a place where you don't know what's what anymore.