First off, I did learn a lesson, second of all I'm not trying to ask YOU to clean up my mess but you refuse to give me the tools to do so. You disabled my editing and refuse to delete my profile. Oh wait you can't just do that and let us be on our way? You have to give me a lecture on responsibility like my mom? All you have to do is delete my profile and you can keep every other post as blank so you can laugh at it all you want with your snakes and lizards and such, I'm not into that stuff anymore but I'm still passionate about my mammals. Yes I did learn a lesson but c'mon like your being ridiculous and unreasonable.
You're quite focused on what you want...but you don't seem to grasp that you aren't going to get special treatment here. Read each of the following, as they pertain to your most recent post (I'll go in order):
- Yes, you are asking him to clean up your mess; because he is the only one that has the ability to delete your account.
- You can't make what you've posted here go away; but that doesn't mean you couldn't repaint the image you present, if you were so inclined. (I understand that you're not, and that's're option, in that case, is to accept it & move on with your life)
- We did not disable your editing privileges; you never had them. Even if you did, there would have been a time limit on your ability to edit your posts. You know why? Because other people that were able to edit have gone back and removed numerous posts. That goes against one of the basic premises of this site - that, to the greatest extent possible, the content of this site is permanent (classified ads excluded).
- Yes, we refuse to delete your profile...but it nothing to do with YOU. That is the policy of this site, and every member that gets through the registration process is stuck with it. Including you. (refer to my first statement in this post)
- Sorry that you feel that being lectured; perhaps if your mom's lectures had sunk in, you wouldn't be getting it from total strangers.
- Ridiculous and unreasonable? Because we're not catering to your desires? If that stance gets you through this, then great. We're ridiculous and unreasonable...AND YOUR ACCOUNT IS NOT GOING TO BE DELETED.
You aren't into reptiles any longer; but you still like mammals - why not simply log out & not return, then. Leave this site behind, move on, and be a better person with your new mammal friends. Goodbye, so long, best wishes, good luck, and all that other happy stuff.