Michael, you're not getting back into any animal business, you don't even have a car, you live at home with your mom, you're barely 21 and you're in debt up to your ears with all the bad tattoos you keep getting. This whole rapper wanna be thing is what you spend all your time and money on. I think your main issue is that you're constantly telling people on your twitter and other forums just how straight you are and macho and then you melt at very girly things. I think all this hostility is coming from that. If you're having issues with your sexuality you need to not take it out on the people here. Rich is not your father and you can't just vent at him and any other male who opposes you because you only do this to males and its not because you're a gentleman it's because you didn't have a father figure and you're angry at men and yet you still like them and want their approval. And I understand that but these men here are not your step fathers either. You are not being punished as you suggested earlier. You are just not getting your way again and you're infuriated and you're acting out and these people here are not your mom whose babied you for an eternity either, they're not going to coddle you. No means no. And to clear up another thread you blew up in, walking an alligator is not going to toughen you up, make you a man or keep the bullies from whipping you for your babyface. Tattoos won't do this either but that's another story. This forum is not a free health mental clinic, Boston is full of them if you need that and this is not the first site to recommend one to you. I'm sorry you're father is not around to teach you how to behave. And that's the whole issue here with your public image and your sexual crisis that you're going through. I think if Rich moves this thread to another part of the board, you might get the attention you need because you do need attention and I'm sure there's lots of us on here that can give you the right attention.
Another brief issue is reptile breeding. This is a jealousy point for you. These people Michael, whether you,like it or not can breed and charge what they want for their reptiles. It's their right and until a law is passed they can continue doing it. Just because you can't afford it or your stepfather told you no, doesn't mean you need to come down on them. In other words, you need to stop acting like a little baby. Your babyface is not going to get you what you want here and it works only on your mom ok, the real world as you can see will not tolerate your baby tantrums. I know its in a lot of rappers videos that they have lions and alligators and you probably love Scarface because he had a tiger in the movie and that's normal you're 21 and you're acting like a 21 yr old, maybe not a normal one but you're acting and displaying immaturity as a person and as a man. You need to find a strong female therapist to help you breakthrough because a man will just make you mad and your strong feelings for men is what you're misconstruing. You prove it when you lash out at the slightest provocation. I suggest you get a stable job, pull your pants up, don't adopt the Pekingese unless you have a girlfriend and get a girlfriend, but not after you seek a therapist because then you'll be subjecting her to your tears and no woman wants that and if you like men that's fine too, but you do need to stop acting like a baby about your account being deleted. Your idea of having it deleted and then returning as an animal breeder is not going to happen so focus your energy somewhere else like going to college or getting a car. You're having too many daytime fantasies that are really affecting your life. Like I said, maybe the admin will move this thread to another part so you can continue to get the attention you need and hopefully the truth will resonate in form of a realization and then apology. Then everyone will like you again and no one will care that you have a babyface or if you like men. No one will judge your Ace Ventura dream either. Have a good day Michael and remember you don't need to be Kid Chappini here the tough, tatted, malt liquor drinking no curfew guy, you can just be who you are, a nice, sensitive young man, who's afraid and insecure and that lives at home still with his mother.